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Społeczeństwo w dobie modernizacji
Backer Roman, Chamot Marek, Karpus Zbigniew (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Społeczeństwo - gospodarka - psychologiaNiemcy - historia i jej widzenieRelacje polsko-niemieckie w XIX i XX wiekuHistoria Torunia... czytaj dalej

Understanding the Presidency
J. Pfiffner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly revised to provide developmental views that explain how what happened over the past two centuries got us where we are today; and to present important current issues that are engaging the presidency... czytaj dalej

R. Bhattacharya Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Janani, or mother as the creator of life, is what defines this collection of narratives. The book brings together the writings of women from various walks of life authors, artists, academics, and ordinary citizens... czytaj dalej

Cambridge History of Russia 3 vols
M. Perrie Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is a definitive new history of Russia from early Rus' to the successor states that emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Volume I encompasses developments before the reign of Peter I; volume... czytaj dalej

Fashioning Sapphism
Laura Doan Wydawnictwo: inne

The highly publicized obscenity trial of Radclyffe Hall's "The Well of Loneliness" (1928) is generally recognized as the crystallizing moment in the construction of a visible modern English lesbian... czytaj dalej

Requiem for Communism
Scribner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Requiem for Communism Charity Scribner examines the politics of memory in post-industrial literature and art. Writers and artists from Europe's second world have responded to the last socialist crisis with... czytaj dalej

Enduring Innocence
Easterling Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Enduring Innocence, Keller Easterling tells the stories of outlaw "spatial products" -- resorts, information technology campuses, retail chains, golf courses, ports, and other hybrid spaces that... czytaj dalej

Wisdom of John Paul II
Bakalar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This fresh and inspiring book distils into one volume the essential thoughts of Pope John Paul II on matters of belief and conscience. Collected from his encyclicals, speeches, homilies, and statements to fellow... czytaj dalej

Antike Historiographie & Die Anfange Der Christlichen
E. Becker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The papers aim to identify the aspects #8211; historical and political, cultural, literary-historical and religious-historical, as well as theological #8211; connected with the beginnings of historiography... czytaj dalej

Complexity & Co Evolution
Garnsey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Applies ideas and methods from the complexity perspective to key concerns in the social sciences, exploring co-evolutionary processes. ... czytaj dalej