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As the world turns its attention to the reconstruction of Afghanistan and Iraq following recent conflicts in these countries, the issue of post-conflict peacebuilding takes centre stage. This collection presents... czytaj dalej
When Mead (US foreign policy, Council on Foreign Relations) began research for a book on US foreign policy at the end of the Cold War, he found discrepancies with the traditional view that foreign policy was... czytaj dalej
History means many things to many people. But finding an answer to the question 'What is history?' is a task few feel equipped to answer nowadays. And yet, at the same time, history has never been more popular... czytaj dalej
Intimate apparel, a term in use by 1921, has played a crucial role in the development of the "naughty but nice" feminine ideal that emerged in the twentieth century. Jill Fields' engaging, imaginative... czytaj dalej
This reader offers two readings per chapter organized in a debate-style format, representing opposing viewpoints. The straightforward, thought-provoking presentation facilitates classroom discussion.Chapter... czytaj dalej
According to many economists, the increasing mobility of capital across borders has made it more costly to peg exchange rates. This phenomenon has contributed to some of the more famous examples of exchange... czytaj dalej
Like many apparently simple devices, the vertical water wheel has been around for so long that it is taken for granted. Yet this "picturesque artifact" was for centuries man's primary mechanical source... czytaj dalej
In 2002, North Korea precipitated a major international crisis when it revealed the existence of a secret nuclear weapons program and announced its withdrawal from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Earlier... czytaj dalej
"Enemy Lines" captures the extraordinary story of boys and girls coming of age during a civil war. Margaret Trawick lived and worked in Batticaloa in eastern Sri Lanka, where thousands of youths have... czytaj dalej
The language of governance extends to patterns of rule found throughout our daily lives. Governance also provides us with a language with which to remake our world. We might ask how to make markets, networks... czytaj dalej