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American unions are weaker now than at any time in the past hundred years, with fewer than one in ten private-sector workers currently organized. In Labor Embattled, David Brody says this is a problem not only... czytaj dalej
A fascinating, definitive history and analysis of American labour union corruption - and an urgent call for social justice - that reads at times like a thriller American labour unions have been, it runs out... czytaj dalej
This book is about the doing and experiencing of diagnosis in everyday life. Diagnoses are revealed as interactive negotiations rather than as the assigning of diagnostic labels. The authors demonstrate, through... czytaj dalej
How are good ideas for enhancing global governance converted into policy initiatives and international institutions? One major route has been through international commissions. The names of many are well known:... czytaj dalej
Nobel Prize winner Tutu has long been admired throughout the world for the heroism and grace he presented while encouraging countless South Africans in their struggle for human rights. In his most soul-searching... czytaj dalej
Professional football is one of the most popular television 'genres' worldwide, attracting the support of millions of fans, and the sponsorship of powerful companies. In A Game of Two Halves, Sandvoss considers... czytaj dalej
Asian America.Net demonstrates how Asian Americans have both defined and been defined by electronic technology, illuminating the complex networks of identity, community, and history in the digital age.... czytaj dalej
"Adoption in India" researches child adoption in India and challenges prevalent theories of adoption. It is the only book of its kind to lend a voice to adopted children and shares the narratives... czytaj dalej
Though more and more religious organizations increasingly attempt to use marketing techniques to improve response, little literature exists to explain crucial concepts, terms and strategies. "The Concise... czytaj dalej
This is the third volume of a trilogy that began with Thoughts Matter: The Practice of the Spiritual Life and continued with Tools Matter for Practicing the Spiritual Life. Thoughts Matter was an update of... czytaj dalej