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The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in this fast-growing area of research. With contributions from over fifty experts in the field, the... czytaj dalej
Thoroughly revised, the Second Edition of A Guide to Field Research is designed to assist undergraduate students and other beginning field researchers in carrying out their first qualitative studies. Its rich... czytaj dalej
Written in a clear and concise style, this jargon-free text provides student clinicians with the practice principles and fundamental communication skills used to facilitate effective therapeutic communication... czytaj dalej
This book provides an overview of Bronze Age societies of western Eurasia through an investigation of the archaeological record. Philip Kohl outlines the long-term processes and patterns of interaction that... czytaj dalej
Clinical Risk Assessment and Management provides background and information to mental health professionals working in forensic settings on release decision making, with a particular focus on violent offenders... czytaj dalej
This pioneering book discusses the role of ethics in today's fiercely competitive business environment. Dipankar Gupta examines in detail how business ethics and values contribute to effective business practices... czytaj dalej
This volume brings together in one compass the Orthodox Churches - the ecumenical patriarchate of Constantinople and the Russian, Armenian, Ethiopian, Egyptian and Syrian Churches. It follows their fortunes... czytaj dalej
Szczegółowa analiza życia średniowiecznego duchowieństwa, ukazuje rolę związków rodzinnych w karierze księży, układy pomagające w awansach a także zanikłe już zwyczaje, jak np.. unikanie składania najwyższych... czytaj dalej
Niniejsza książka podejmuje ważne problemy z dziedziny socjologii i urządzenia świata społecznego. Omawiane są w niej następujące zagadnienia: struktura i funkcje organizacji społecznych (formalnych), kategorie... czytaj dalej
'The Scherer book is an economist's delight. . . this collection is full of thoughtful insights and quirky corrections to accepted stylised facts. . . The overwhelming impression of this work is that researchers... czytaj dalej