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In this revised and expanded second edition, Dr. Horowitz places special emphasis on treatment. The chapters on diagnosis, theory and therapeutic technique have been extensively revised. In ten years since... czytaj dalej
Simple but elegant, The Tao of Living on Purpose is a must for any curious reader with a taste for Eastern Philosophy. The emphasis of the compositions is living in the moment, living with awareness, celebration... czytaj dalej
Humans automatically categorize others in social perception. Some categorizations race, gender, and age -- are so automatic that they are termed "primitive categories." As we categorize, we develop... czytaj dalej
Puerto Ricans have lived and worked for over a century in cities and towns across the United States -- not just in New York City. Highlighting the distinct and shared aspects of migration and community building... czytaj dalej
Książka prezentuje przystosowywanie się polskiego społeczeństwa do obecności nowych grup imigranckich oraz funkcje i znaczenie nadawane obecności "innych" w Polsce. Obiektem zainteresowania są zmiany... czytaj dalej
Contemporary urban studies engages a wide range of approaches in the analysis of the processes at work in urban areas. These approaches derive from anthropology, economics, geography, history, politics and... czytaj dalej
Traktat logiczno-filozoficzny Wittgensteina jest jednym z wielkich dzieł filozofii w ogóle, a w naszym stuleciu chyba w ogóle, a w naszym stuleciu chyba po prostu największym.... czytaj dalej
Tracing the key evolutions in the development of the concept of human security, this book explores the various definitions and critiques, how it relates to other concepts, and what it implies for polities,... czytaj dalej
At a time in history when conflict erupts daily in far-flung corners of the world, ending severe deprivation may be critical to global peace and stability. Yet we are far from reaching the goal of reducing... czytaj dalej
How the secrets of the brain were uncovered in 17th century England? We take it for granted that the brain is the seat of our minds, the part of our body that is most ourselves. 500 years ago, Europeans, if... czytaj dalej