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Tak Profesor o swojej książce: "Nie widzę sensownego powodu, dla którego należałoby budować teoretyczne i metodologiczne bariery między badaniami rynkowymi i studiami prowadzonymi z myślą o sprawnym i... czytaj dalej
Psychology for A2 Level is a highly readable textbook, which has been written for the new A2 Psychology syllabus of the AQA Specification A (formerly AEB) and is aimed specifically at students pursuing their... czytaj dalej
"W tej książce ujmuję problem tragizmu ludzkiej egzystencji z perspektywy filozoficznej, co współcześnie oznacza domaganie się prawa obywatelstwa takiej problematyki w ramach filozofii, jako że kwestia... czytaj dalej
This book launches a landmark four-volume collaborative work exploring the political thought of the Jewish people from biblical times to the present. The texts and commentaries in Volume I address the basic... czytaj dalej
The fourth volume of Pawel Jasienica's magnificent epos of Polish history, 'Calamity of the Realm,' covers part of the 17th century and deals with a multitude of wars with Muscovy, Sweden, the Tartars, Cossacks... czytaj dalej
A lively account of the transformations that have taken place in politics, economics and social ideas during the past two hundred years. ... czytaj dalej
[The Usage of Cloning Techniques on Humans] In various states, criteria for ethical decisions on the application of cloning techniques in the human field are taken as the basis for relevant legislation. These... czytaj dalej
Switzerland is not only one of the oldest democracies in the world, but also an enduring model of peaceful multiethnic policy, characterized by a Constitution that is constant flux. The new Federal Constitution... czytaj dalej
For sophomore/junior-level courses in Psychological Testing or Measurement. Focuses on the use of psychological tests to make important decisions about individuals in a variety of settings. This text explores... czytaj dalej
The Shield of Achilles is a classic inquiry into the nature of the State, its origin in war, and its drive for peace and legitimacy. Philip Bobbitt, a professor of constitutional law and a historian of nuclear... czytaj dalej