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Baron/Byrne/Branscombe's Social Psychology-a text that has motivated students to take social psychology out of the classroom and into their lives for over four decades-has gone through its most major revision... czytaj dalej
A detailed examination of what happens when traditional diplomatic methods interface with new forms of global governance. ... czytaj dalej
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was one of America's foremost twentieth-century religious thinkers and social critics. As pastor of Bethel Evangelical Church in Detroit, he became deeply interested in social problems... czytaj dalej
Provides comprehensive explanations of key topics and issues in a clear, concise tone suitable for both the undergraduate and professional reader Guides the reader through the world of construction contracts... czytaj dalej
A guide to the latest tools for teaching effective and positive parenting skills In the last three decades, parent training has established itself as an empirically sound, highly successful, and cost-effective... czytaj dalej
Contending discourses underlie many of the world's most intractable conflicts producing misery and violence. This is especially true in the post 9/11 world. However, contending discourses can also open the... czytaj dalej
Doing Social Science Research gives an introductory overview of the process of social research, from research design to data collection and analysis. It provides students and teachers with a mix of resources... czytaj dalej
A guide to exploring the theory that character shapes sexuality and sexual difficulties. Terms such as "sexual hypochondria", "supersex" and "sexual learning disability" are introduced... czytaj dalej
Rome is not one city but many, each with its own history unfolding from a different center: now the trading port on the Tiber; now the Forum of antiquity; the Palatine of imperial power; the Lateran Church... czytaj dalej
Simon Blackburn ukazuje, dlaczego od czasów św. Augustyna do Wordswortha i filozofów XX w. filozoficzna myśl zachodnia koncentrowała się i nadal koncentruje na polemikach z treścią jednej z najważniejszych... czytaj dalej