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Eu Communications Law
Valcke Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This fascinating book examines and offers critical comments on the new 'significant market power'-regime, as put into place by the 2003 European regulatory framework on electronic communications networks and... czytaj dalej

Changing Things Moving People
Roth Kaufmann-Hayoz Wydawnictwo: inne

Traditionally, environmental policy in most countries is based on command and control and - to a lesser extent - on the more modern economic instruments. Today, there is a strong need for complementing this... czytaj dalej

Psychological Testing
Murphy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For sophomore/junior-level courses in Psychological Testing or Measurement. Focuses on the use of psychological tests to make important decisions about individuals in a variety of settings. This text explores... czytaj dalej

American Journey Teaching & Learning Classroom Edition v 2
D. Goldfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Comprehensive study guides including key topics, chapter notes section, true/false and multiple choice questions with answer key, map evaluation exercises, and essay questions.... czytaj dalej

R. McCarty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Deriving from the Seventh Symposium on Catecholamines and other Neurotransmitters in Stress, Smolenice Castke, Slovenia, this book presents some of the latest research into stress, focusing on catecholamines... czytaj dalej

US-China Relations in the 21st Century
Zhu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

US-China Relations in the 21st Century addresses the bilateral relations of these two nations on an international, domestic, societal and individual level between 1990 and 2005. Peaceful power shifts remain... czytaj dalej

Elusive Justice
El Haj Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Elusive Justice addresses how educators think about and act upon differences in schools -be they based on race, gender, class, or disability - and how discourse and practice about such differences are intimately... czytaj dalej

Legal Aspects of Gene Technology
Cain Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first work to examine in-depth the interface between the development of gene technology and the law. It provides practitioners with up-to-date guidance on all aspects of this rapidly evolving subject... czytaj dalej

Terror in Mind of God
M. Juergensmeyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Well-regarded look at the connection between religion and terrorism. Updated to include events of September 11, 2001. Focus: to better understand how and why some people (and the groups that support them) are... czytaj dalej

Customary International Humanitarian Law 3vols(t.1+t.2I/2II)
Henckaerts Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In 1996, the International Committee of the Red Cross, alongside a range of renowned experts, embarked upon a major international study into current state practice in international humanitarian law in order... czytaj dalej