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Cultures Conflict and Globalization
H. Anheier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The world's cultures and their forms of creation, presentation, and preservation are deeply affected by globalization in ways that are inadequately documented and understood. The Cultures and Globalization... czytaj dalej

Theorizing the Angura Space
P. Eckersall Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first history of Japan's avant-garde underground theatre (angura) in a time of its most intense, creative, and original productions, viz. 1960-2000. It closely investigates the interrelationship... czytaj dalej

Growing Up on the Set
T. Goldrup Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work is a compilation of interviews with 39 men and women who, as children, worked in the motion picture industry in Hollywood. They all handled their childhood celebrity differently. Lee Aaker, Mary Badham... czytaj dalej

Secret Language of Signs How to Interpret the Coincidences
D. Linn Wydawnictwo: inne

In every moment the universe is whispering to you. Even ordinary events in your life carry communications from the realm of the Spirit. . . .Whether we are conscious of it or not, the universe is communicating... czytaj dalej

Story of Sport in England
Galligan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book gives a fascinating history of the English experience of sport, following its development through the centuries from its earliest beginnings in social play and pastimes, via its adoption as an alternative... czytaj dalej

Global Terrorism
Lutz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This textbook is a comprehensive introduction to global terrorism, helping students to understand the history, politics, ideologies and strategies of both contemporary and older terrorist groups. Written in... czytaj dalej

Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought
M. Goldie Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This major work of academic reference provides a comprehensive overview of the development of western political thought during the European enlightenment. Written by a distinguished team of international contributors... czytaj dalej

America's Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage
D. Pinello Wydawnictwo: brak danych

America's Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage chronicles the evolution of the social movement for same-sex marriage in the United States and examines the political controversies surrounding gay people's quest for... czytaj dalej

Adolescence Sexuality & the Criminal Law
H. Graupner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nine contributions from scholars and practitioners critically examine child sexual abuse laws in Europe and the U.S. that fail to distinguish between children and adolescents. Included are discussions of intergenerational... czytaj dalej

Sexual Self
A. Offit Wydawnictwo: inne

A guide to exploring the theory that character shapes sexuality and sexual difficulties. Terms such as "sexual hypochondria", "supersex" and "sexual learning disability" are introduced... czytaj dalej