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50 Key Concepts in Gender Studies
J. Pilchen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`Lively and impressive. I can easily imagine this text being used by both gender and women's studies undergraduates and postgraduates. In particular it will enable students to get a sense of how older and... czytaj dalej

Evolution of Christianity Twelve Crises thet Shaped the Chur
Johnson Wydawnictwo: inne

Johnson examines twelve crises that motivated the evolution of Christianity. In his survey of Church history, he chronicles the story from the first century, and the birth and adolescence of Christianity, to... czytaj dalej

Conversation Analysis 4 Vols
Drew Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It is now widely agreed that in latter part of the 20th century sociology has taken a 'linguistic turn'. One of the approaches to emerge out of the linguistic turn is conversation analysis, which is now recognized... czytaj dalej

Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Genesis I-II
A. Louth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture is a unique twenty-eight-volume series encompassing all of Scripture and offering contemporary readers the opportunity to study for themselves the key writings... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Media and Communication
Hill Wydawnictwo: inne

The 'Watson and Hill Dictionary" has long been a classic of its kind, a 'must' for university and college book lists and both students and teachers of communication. This new edition takes into account... czytaj dalej

Social Psychology
Baron Wydawnictwo: inne

Baron/Byrne/Branscombe's Social Psychology-a text that has motivated students to take social psychology out of the classroom and into their lives for over four decades-has gone through its most major revision... czytaj dalej

Ponary Diary
K. Sakowicz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

About sixty thousand Jews from Wilno (Vilnius, Jewish Vilna) and surrounding townships in present-day Lithuania were murdered by the Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators in huge pits on the outskirts of... czytaj dalej

Calamity of Realm
P. Jasienica Wydawnictwo: inne

The fourth volume of Pawel Jasienica's magnificent epos of Polish history, 'Calamity of the Realm,' covers part of the 17th century and deals with a multitude of wars with Muscovy, Sweden, the Tartars, Cossacks... czytaj dalej

China's New Nationalism
Gries Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Three American missiles hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, and what Americans view as an appalling and tragic mistake, many Chinese see as a "barbaric" and intentional "criminal act,"... czytaj dalej

In the Space of Theory
M. Sparke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Considers the contemporary crisis of the nation-state in North America. How is the meaning of the hyphen in "nation-state" changing in the context of globalization and proliferating political struggles... czytaj dalej