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Designed specifically for students, "Blackstone's Statutes" lead the market in providing a carefully selected, regularly updated, and well sourced collection of legislation for the core subjects and... czytaj dalej
A rejection of both dualism and the mind-brain identity theory, arguing that the mind is best understood as a "behavioural field" that fluctuates within the brain/body/world nexus. In this highly... czytaj dalej
The purpose of this book is to provide a clear and concise guide to the key elements of Essential Evidence. The books in the Cavendish Essential series are intended as a helpful revision aid for the law student... czytaj dalej
A synthesis of one of mankind#8217;s oldest existing secular brotherhoods. It is designed for the initiated and for newcomers interested in gaining a better understanding of this fascinating but often misrepresented society. ... czytaj dalej
Der zweite und abschließende Teil der ťDie Frühen Römischen HistorikerŤ enthält die Überreste von neun Autoren aus dem Zeitraum vom ausgehenden 2. Jahrhundert v.Chr. bis zum Ende der Republik. Die römische... czytaj dalej
Much of the scholarly literature on corruption rather unquestioningly accepts the definitions and issues as framed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. These 12 anthropological essays examining... czytaj dalej
In 2004 the European Union's Intergovernmental Conference will finalise the historic process of enlarging the EU from fifteen to twenty-five members. This book is the most detailed and up-to-date account of... czytaj dalej
Examining the remarkable life of Cornelia, famed as the epitome of virtue, fidelity and intelligence, Suzanne Dixon presents an in-depth study of the woman who perhaps represented the ideal of the Roman matrona... czytaj dalej
In the past decade, the working alliance has emerged as possibly the most important conceptualization of the common elements in diverse therapy modalities. Created to define the relationship between a client... czytaj dalej
A comprehensive statistics text for graduate students Explaining Psychological Statistics, Second Edition successfully bridges the gap between statistics and research methods courses by incorporating research... czytaj dalej