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An innovative literary analysis of Freud's "Wolf Man." "The Wolf Man's Magic Word" reopens the examination of the "Wolf Man," a Russian emigre who was Freud's patient and who wrote... czytaj dalej
This work shows that although most evidence suggests HIV prevalence is low in the Middle East and North Africa region, greater investments in improved surveillance, prevention, and care are needed - to maintain... czytaj dalej
Including contributions by twenty-one distinguished scholars and an opening chapter by Elie Wiesel, this comprehensive study offers a historic perspective on the Holocaust in Hungary. It explores both wartime... czytaj dalej
The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture provides readers with a concise, readable and scholarly introduction to twenty-first century approaches to the Bible. Consists of 30 articles written by distinguished... czytaj dalej
The Annual Review, produced in association with JCMS, the Journal of Common Market Studies, covers the key developments in the European Union, its Member States and applicant countries in 2002/2003. It contains... czytaj dalej
Mental Health is a highly contentious concept and an area of study which is often bewildering to new students and trainee practitioners. In this context, Key Concepts in Mental Health provides a much needed... czytaj dalej
"Essential Theory for Social Work Practice" is an engaging and readable text, with a distinctively realistic and honest approach to the realities of everyday practice. Framed in a comprehensive and... czytaj dalej
RealWorld Evaluation addresses the challenges of conducting evaluations where there is not enough money, time, or data - but methodologically sound findings are still needed - and where politics makes... czytaj dalej
This book demonstrates how and why vitalism - the idea that life cannot be explained by the principles of mechanism - matters now. Vitalism resists closure and reductionism in the life sciences whilst simultaneously... czytaj dalej
Collecting sixteen thought-provoking new essays by leading medievalists, this volume celebrates the work of the late Rees Davies. Reflecting Davies' interest in identities, political culture and the workings... czytaj dalej