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Mothers of the Nation
P. Albanese Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How do nationalist governments cope with gender relations? Do their policies modernize, or entrench pre-modern gender roles? In "Mothers of the Nation", Patrizia Albanese addresses these questions... czytaj dalej

Road to Economic Freedom
P. Booth Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This symposium brings together contributions of many of those who wrote for the IEA over the years and had their courage rewarded by gaining the Nobel Prize in economics. . . The writings of authors such as... czytaj dalej

Intercultural Communication
P. Cooper Wydawnictwo: inne

Intercultural Communication: A Text with Readingsprovides a narrative approach so that students can understand both the depth and breadth of intercultural communication.   The text/reader combination provides... czytaj dalej

Memory Oblivion & Jewish Culture in Latin America
Agosin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Latin America has been a refuge for Jews fleeing persecution from 1492, when Sepharad Jews were expelled from Spain, until well into the twentieth century, when European Jews sought sanctuary there from the... czytaj dalej

Inventing Modern Ireland
R. Comerford Wydawnictwo: inne

This book provides a fascinating history of Ireland, focusing on the ways in which the nation has been depicted by competing interests, from political factions to religious groups to commercial powers. The... czytaj dalej

Antitrust Patents & Copyright
F. Leveque Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This volume offers a fresh perspective on the IP/antitrust interface. Its blend of economic policy analysis and provocative policy prescriptions is particularly noteworthy. It is noteworthy for the scope of... czytaj dalej

Social Psychology Alive
Breckler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presents a mix of classic and contemporary research in an accessible style that emphasises the relevance of the findings to students' own lives. ... czytaj dalej

War or Peace in the South China Sea?
T. Kivimaki Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Not only is the South China Sea of strategic importance; it is also rich in oil and other natural resources. As such, it is the subject of overlapping territorial disputes between several East and Southeast... czytaj dalej

Performing Islam Gender & Ritual in Iran
A. Torab Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Performing Islam" describes and analyses a wide range of ritual activities marking, at times starkly contrasting, religious anniversaries and life course events in Iran today. Arguing that ritual... czytaj dalej

Poles Together?
Szczerbiak Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book fills a gap in the existing literature on how parties and party systems are developing in the new democracies of post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe. It provides the first detailed, empirically... czytaj dalej