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This text explores the core principles of learning and memory in a clear, reader-friendly style, covering animal learning and human memory in a balanced fashion.... czytaj dalej
There is without question immense general and academic interest in theIslamic world at present. After the attacks on New York and Washington inSeptember 2001 and the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, `Islamic Fundamentalism... czytaj dalej
The highly publicized obscenity trial of Radclyffe Hall's "The Well of Loneliness" (1928) is generally recognized as the crystallizing moment in the construction of a visible modern English lesbian... czytaj dalej
Drawing a portrait of American military intervention since the end of the Cold War, the essays in this text examine specific interventions including: Bosnia; Haiti; the Gulf War; and South Korea. In the process... czytaj dalej
In February 1805 the Earl of Abergavenny set sail in convoy from Portsmouth for a voyage to India and China, captained by John Wordsworth, the younger brother of the poet William Wordsworth. On board were more... czytaj dalej
"... a well focused collection of articles, all of which are of a good scholarly standard and some of which are strikingly original or illuminating." #8226; Michael Kelly, University of Southampton... czytaj dalej
This volume offers a wide-ranging and profound collection of essays on philosophical psychology and conceptions of modality from antiquity to the present day, with some essays on the philosophy of religion... czytaj dalej
This volume examines the role of international law in the Security Council's decisions and decision-making process since the end of the Cold War, with the principle of legality as theoretical framework. ... czytaj dalej
This volume continues the work of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law in 2003 and 2004 in examining through the juxtaposition of civil and common law jurisdictions areas of fundamental importance... czytaj dalej
A number of factors, from soaring fuel prices to genetically modified agricultural products, have greatly refocused worldwide attention on the interrelationship between technology and society and the necessity... czytaj dalej