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This exciting new Handbook offers a broad perspective on the intriguing phenomena of power, influence and politics in the modern workplace, their meaning for individuals, groups and other organizational stakeholders... czytaj dalej
Provides not only a rich context for Hafez's poetry but also a comprehensive perspective on a fascinating place in a dynamic time In the fourteenth-century Persian city of Shiraz, poets composed, scholars studied... czytaj dalej
Written by Jennie Lindon, Understanding Child Development is refreshingly clear, readable and user-friendly. With explanations of the key theories and research in all areas of child development, this is the... czytaj dalej
This controversial, challenging and timely book carefully reviews the economic aspects of the UK's relationship with the EU: trade in goods and services, the single market, tax and regulation, public finances... czytaj dalej
In the course of the last 15 years, sociolinguistics (or the sociology of language) has established itself as a academic subject in many countries. The discipline promises to be of benefit in solving practical... czytaj dalej
Contemporary international events, and indeed even the US presidential election, demonstrate the continuing need for debate and discourse over the direction and emphases of US foreign policy. American Global... czytaj dalej
The United Nations is in need of reform. There has always been widespread agreement that this is the case - indeed throughout the 60-year history of the Organization. Differences over the best cure reflect... czytaj dalej
This work focuses on the imperatives of justice at the national, regional, and international levels through an analysis of civil, political, economic, and social rights. There are two reasons for this type... czytaj dalej
This edited volume examines the relationship between the nation and the transnation, focusing on transnational communities in the Asia-Pacific region. Setting the book within a theoretical framework, the authors... czytaj dalej
Politics of Identity explores the relationship between ethnicity, nationalism and the modern state. It examines: the pre-colonial state system in India; the colonial state system and the changes that it effected... czytaj dalej