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European Constitution
J. Ziller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Although, until very recently, the word constitution was noticeably absent from the EU s political vocabulary, this formerly taboo word has surfaced in dramatic fashion. In order to bridge the gap between the... czytaj dalej

Medieval Europe
J. Bennett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Marked by C. Warren Hollister's clear historical vision and engaging teaching style, this classic text has been judiciously revised by Judith Bennett; the tenth edition includes greater coverage of Byzantium... czytaj dalej

Understanding Global Slavery A Reader
Bales Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Although slavery is illegal throughout the world, we learned from Kevin Bales's highly praised exposé, Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy, that more than twenty-seven million people--in countries... czytaj dalej

Devil & Demonism in Early Modern England
Johnstone Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An original book examining the concept of the Devil in English culture between the Reformation and the end of the English Civil War. Nathan Johnstone looks at the ways in which beliefs about the nature of the... czytaj dalej

On the Border
M. Warschawski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

On the Border" chronicles a radical political education in a time and place charged with idealism and danger. One of the most renowned figures of the Israeli left, Warschawski is known commonly by his... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Poland Space & Society
G. Węcławski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With an emphasis on popular experience and public opinion, this volume explores the process of the transformation of Poland's economy, polity and society. Illustrated with maps to highlight regional patterns... czytaj dalej

Alliance of Women
H. Merrill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work is an innovative exploration of urban Italian politics, immigration, and European identity. In the 1980s, Italy transformed from a country of emigration to one of immigration. Italians are now faced... czytaj dalej

Women in God's Kitchen
Cristina Mazzoni Wydawnictwo: inne

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once noted that "nunneries in the old days were veritable storehouses of the most delectable tidbits." Perhaps that is why the much-maligned Lucrezia Borgia is said to... czytaj dalej

Tao of Living on Purpose
J. Morgan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Simple but elegant, The Tao of Living on Purpose is a must for any curious reader with a taste for Eastern Philosophy. The emphasis of the compositions is living in the moment, living with awareness, celebration... czytaj dalej

Philosophical Foundations of Social Research Methods 4 vols
Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Philosophical considerations and positions underlie all of the natural and social sciences. In the latter case philosophical foundations and their emergent issues have a profound impact on methodology and... czytaj dalej