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Cyprus and the Devotional Arts of Byzantium in the Era of th
A. Weyl Carr Wydawnictwo: inne

Professor Carr is concerned here with the devotional arts of the Byzantine world in the period from the twelfth to the sixteenth century. The first set of studies deals with groups of illuminated manuscripts... czytaj dalej

Destroying World Order
Boyle Wydawnictwo: inne

For Boyle (international law, U. of Illinois-Champaign), the "War on Terror" is little more than a pretext for the expanded imperialist foreign policy of the United States, a policy characterized... czytaj dalej

Massive Resistance
Lewis Wydawnictwo: inne

"Massive Resistance" is a compelling account of the white segregationist opposition to the US civil rights movement from the late 1940s to the mid-1960s. It provides vivid insights into what sparked... czytaj dalej

Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings The Self-Portraits v 4
E. Van De Wetering Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Volume IV, the focus lies on Rembrandt's self-portraits. During this research it became obvious that matters of authenticity cannot be viewed separately from questions relating to the original function and... czytaj dalej

Earth & Its Peoples
Bulliet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Earth and Its Peoples was one of the first texts to present world history in a balanced, global framework, shifting the focus away from political centers of power. This truly global text for the world history... czytaj dalej

Opór społeczny w Europie Środkowej w latach 1948-1953 na przykładzie Polski NRD i Czechosłowacji
Kamiński Łukasz, Małkiewicz Andrzej, Ruchniewicz Krzysztof Wydawnictwo: inne

Definicje oporu społecznegoWarunki oporu społecznegoPróby podtrzymywania niezależności organizacji społecznych"Archaiczne" formy oporu społecznegoOpór wobec prześladowań KościołaOpór komunikacyjnyStrajki i manifestacje... czytaj dalej

W. Bennett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Part of the "Longman Classics in Political Science" series, this renowned book, known for a lively writing style, provocative point of view, and exceptional scholarship has been thoroughly revised... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Europe
Richard Sakwa, Anne Stevens Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

The second edition of this very successful textbook updates and expands its coverage of the many facets of life in Europe in the new century. It retains the strengths of the first edition with its focus on... czytaj dalej

In Conflict & Order Understanding Society
D. Eitzen Wydawnictwo: inne

This introductory text, written from a conflict perspective, emphasizes four themes: diversity, the struggle to achieve social justice, economic and global transformations in the U.S., and a global perspective... czytaj dalej

SAS the First Secret Wars
T. Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The covert, clandestine operations of the Special Air Service (SAS), from the jungles of Malaya, Borneo and Brunei to the deserts and mountains of the Middle East, have been widely documented. There has always... czytaj dalej