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Road to War in Serbia
N. Popov Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Yugoslavia to systematically explore the roots of the conflict and the ideology and propaganda that incited Serbian people to war. Based on years of research, the authors-all eminent scholars of their respective... czytaj dalej

Neighbours Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne
J. Gross Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

One summer day in 1941, half of the Polish town of Jedwabne murdered the other half, 1,600 men, women, and children, all but seven of the town's Jews. 'Neighbors' tells their story. This is a shocking, brutal... czytaj dalej

Come on Down Popular Media Culture in Post-War Britain
D. Strinati Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Come on Down? represents an introduction to popular media culture in Britain since 1945. It discusses the ways in which popular culture can be studied, understood and appreciated, and covers its key analytical... czytaj dalej

World Copyright Law
A. Sterling Wydawnictwo: angielskie

World Copyright Law provides a comprehensive guide to the whole field of national, international and regional copyright law. Drawing together a huge range of material into one volume, it combines extensive... czytaj dalej

Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders
Millon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A revolutionary, personalized psychotherapy approach for the treatment of Axis II personality disorders, by renowned expert Dr. Theodore Millon Acknowledging the primacy of the whole person, Overcoming Resistant... czytaj dalej

Virilio Desert Screen
P. Virilio Wydawnictwo: inne

Desert Screen is a vision of future war, in which Paul Virilio identifies the Gulf War as a turningpoint in history, the last industrial and the first information war.... czytaj dalej

Filozofia wina
Bela Hamvas Wydawnictwo: Studio Emka

"Niniejsza książka - pisał we wstępie Hamvas - składa się z trzech części. Każde dobre dzieło musi mieć trzy części, bo wszystko, co doskonałe na trzy części się dzieli. A także dlatego, że liczba wina... czytaj dalej

Media Representations of September 11th
Chermak Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Each contributor to this volume offers a fresh, engaging perspective on how the media transformed the 9/11 crisis into an ideological tour de force.... czytaj dalej

Jews in America
Hertzberg Wydawnictwo: inne

An examination of the Jewish 'success story' in America that questions notions of identity, assimilation and ethnicity.... czytaj dalej

Positive Risk How SMART Women Use Passion To Break Throgh
B. Stoker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Positive risk is a perspective, an attitude, and a life philosophy that creates a shift away from the negative view of risk that so many of us were taught. This book will help change your perceptions regarding... czytaj dalej