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Researching Violently Divided Societies Ethical & Methodolog
Smyth,Robinson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume directly addresses the ethical and methodological challenges of researching in societies experiencing ethnic conflict and other violent upheavals. ... czytaj dalej

Medieval Europe
J. Bennett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Marked by C. Warren Hollister's clear historical vision and engaging teaching style, this classic text has been judiciously revised by Judith Bennett; the tenth edition includes greater coverage of Byzantium... czytaj dalej

Ways of Knowing in Early Modern Germany
G. Williams Wydawnictwo: inne

Gerhild Scholz Williams's Ways of Knowing in Early Modern Germany: Johannes Praetorius as a Witness to His Time, reviews key discourses in eight of Praetorius's works. She introduces the modern reader to the... czytaj dalej

Sexuality Gender & Rights
G. Misra Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is virtually no record of work on sexuality and rights in South and Southeast Asia, and even less to show how theory can link to practice. This volume fills the gap by demonstrating how the ideas of scholars... czytaj dalej

Handling Qualitative Data
L. Richards Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`At the end of each chapter the author maps out the pragmatic steps required to progress a qualitative research study and the associated analysis of data. This is accompanied by experiential exercises,... czytaj dalej

Security and Defence in the Terrorist Era
E. Sloan Wydawnictwo:

Canada's traditional approach to security - "the best defence is a good offence" - became even more entrenched following 9/11. Elinor Sloan challenges this notion, arguing that "defensive"... czytaj dalej

Women in God's Kitchen
Cristina Mazzoni Wydawnictwo: inne

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once noted that "nunneries in the old days were veritable storehouses of the most delectable tidbits." Perhaps that is why the much-maligned Lucrezia Borgia is said to... czytaj dalej

Essence of Prayer
W. Beckett Wydawnictwo: inne

Prayer is a word we take for granted but what do we mean by prayer? Almost always when we talk about prayer we refer to something we DO. But Burrows argues that our Christian knowledge assures us that prayer... czytaj dalej

Meaning of Helen
R. Meagher Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Latin text, spaced with four lines below each line, for working out translations (as homework, in-class can rections, for review); to note figures of speech, points of grammatical interest-- Right-hand column... czytaj dalej

Letters from Heaven
J-P Himka Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Letters from Heaven" features an international group of scholars investigating the place and function of 'popular' religion in Eastern Slavic cultures. The contributors examine popular religious... czytaj dalej