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Democracy in Poland
R. Taras Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As Polish democratic politics evolves it is taking unexpected forms and producing unexpected results. Through a comprehensive analysis of politics in this young European democracy Marjorie Castle and Ray Taras... czytaj dalej

Beyond Gated Politics
R. Coles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the early years of the new millennium, the practice of democracy in America and around the world faces tremendous dangers: the proliferation of transnational corporations, the spread of oppressive fundamentalism... czytaj dalej

Meaning of Helen
R. Meagher Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Latin text, spaced with four lines below each line, for working out translations (as homework, in-class can rections, for review); to note figures of speech, points of grammatical interest-- Right-hand column... czytaj dalej

Puerto Rican Diaspora
Whalen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Puerto Ricans have lived and worked for over a century in cities and towns across the United States -- not just in New York City. Highlighting the distinct and shared aspects of migration and community building... czytaj dalej

Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings The Self-Portraits v 4
E. Van De Wetering Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Volume IV, the focus lies on Rembrandt's self-portraits. During this research it became obvious that matters of authenticity cannot be viewed separately from questions relating to the original function and... czytaj dalej

Communication Technology & Development
A. Ghosh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Communication Technology and Development" explores the role of communication in development using the framework of communication designed for behavior change. Avik Ghosh emphasizes the role of communication... czytaj dalej

Communication Technology & Development
A. Ghosh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Communication Technology and Development" explores the role of communication in development using the framework of communication designed for behavior change. Avik Ghosh emphasizes the role of communication... czytaj dalej

Studies on Holocaust v.2
R. Braham Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is a collection of seminal essays on the Holocaust in Hungary. Three of these studies deal with the prewar and wartime periods, focusing on the impact of the Vatican and of the Christian churches on the... czytaj dalej

Globalization & Violence 4 Vols
P. James Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Central Currents in Globalization Series: The concept of 'globalization' has in an extraordinarily short time become the dominant motif of the contemporary social sciences. Central Currents in Globalization... czytaj dalej

People's Machine Arnold Schwarzenegger & the Rise of Blockbu
J. Mathews Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a vivid, incisive account of Governor Schwarzenegger and his tenure in California politics, by the "Los Angeles Times" political reporter whose unique access and insight into Arnold has led... czytaj dalej