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Clinical Risk Assessment and Management provides background and information to mental health professionals working in forensic settings on release decision making, with a particular focus on violent offenders... czytaj dalej
Filozoficzne rozmowy z dziećmi w wieku 5-8 lat, zamieszczone w książce, ukazują, co dziś myślą dzieci, jak bardzo mają wyczulony zmysł dostrzegania prawdy i jak zadziwiająco trafnie potrafią formułować swoje... czytaj dalej
Transgression - a concept defined as conduct that breaks rules or exceeds boundaries - is a key idea for sociologists, anthropologists and cultural theorists, and is a major feature of postmodern thought. Providing... czytaj dalej
The vendettas, bribery, ecclesiastical feuds, political intrigue and bloodshed that are part of the story of how popes have been chosen down the centuries make for a colourful account of the Conclave, the gathering... czytaj dalej
Presenting original work and new thinking on a wide range of important issues, the book explores the current state of globalization, competition and growth in China. China has produced an economic miracle since... czytaj dalej
US-China Relations in the 21st Century addresses the bilateral relations of these two nations on an international, domestic, societal and individual level between 1990 and 2005. Peaceful power shifts remain... czytaj dalej
This book is about the development of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) from a liberation movement to a national authority, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). Based on intensive fieldwork... czytaj dalej
Elusive Justice addresses how educators think about and act upon differences in schools -be they based on race, gender, class, or disability - and how discourse and practice about such differences are intimately... czytaj dalej
This brief text assists students in understanding Kuhn's philosophy and thinking so they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part of... czytaj dalej
This volume brings together young scholars from different countries working, on the basis of much newly discovered documentation, on the complicated and often stormy history of the Sino-Soviet relationship... czytaj dalej