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Paradigms & Fairy Tales 2 vola
J. Ford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First published in 1975, this classic work is a unique introduction to the epistemology and practice of social science. For the non-sociologist it provides an exposition and critique of the ideology and practice... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought
P. Clarke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Containing almost 200 entries from 'accountability' to the 'Westminster model' the Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought explores all the ideas that matter to democracy: past, present and future. It is destined... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Organizational Politics
E. Vigoda-Gadot Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This exciting new Handbook offers a broad perspective on the intriguing phenomena of power, influence and politics in the modern workplace, their meaning for individuals, groups and other organizational stakeholders... czytaj dalej

Written in the Flesh
Shorter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Written in the Flesh" is a history of sexual desire - a provocative chronicle of the changing nature of what people yearn to do sexually. The desire for sexual pleasure and total body sex - that... czytaj dalej

Sociolinguistics Soziolinguistik
U. Ammon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the course of the last 15 years, sociolinguistics (or the sociology of language) has established itself as a academic subject in many countries. The discipline promises to be of benefit in solving practical... czytaj dalej

Reforming the United Nations The Struggle for Legitimacy
J. Muller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The United Nations is in need of reform. There has always been widespread agreement that this is the case - indeed throughout the 60-year history of the Organization. Differences over the best cure reflect... czytaj dalej

Earthscan reader in Sustainable Consumption.
S. Cutter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Politically, intellectually and socially, sustainable consumption is a controversial concept. Consumption drives our economies and defines our lives: making it sustainable is an enormous and essential challenge... czytaj dalej

Moral Reckoning The Role of the Church in the Holocaust
D. Goldhagen Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

With his first book, Hitler#8217;s Willing Executioners, Daniel Jonah Goldhagen dramatically revised our understanding of the role ordinary Germans played in the Holocaust. Now he brings his formidable powers... czytaj dalej

Mystiker der Revolution. Der utopische Diskurs um die Jahrhundertwende. Gustav Landauer - Frederik v
Anna Wołkowicz Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Mistyczny dyskurs rewolucji współtworzyli na przełomie XIX i XX intelektualiści różnych opcji światopoglądowych i politycznych, od wyznawcy etycznego anarchizmu Gustava Landauera po uczonego-ezoteryka Ericha... czytaj dalej

Organizing European Cooperation
U. Morth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The emergence of a European policy on armaments is an important and politically controversial component in the building of Europe and the controversy and tension between the ways of framing this issue highlight... czytaj dalej