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Hasidic Williamsburg
G. Kranzler Wydawnictwo: inne

Hasidic Williamsburg recounts the dramatic emergence of this unique community in the face of major crises. It is the story of the loyalty of its members to their rebbes and their teachings and to the milieu... czytaj dalej

Plagi III Rzeczpospolitej
Żmigrodzki Zdzisław Wydawnictwo: Nortom

Autor ukazał sytuację społeczną, polityczną i gospodarczą III Rzeczpospolitej, spowodowaną działaniami ekip postkomunistów i liberałów, rządzących Polską w latach 1989-2005, które doprowadziły do tego... czytaj dalej

Taking Hold of Torah
Eisen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jews have both benefitted and suffered from the fraying of traditional loyalties that has come to characterize modern American culture. In each of the five chapters, Arnold M. Eisen examines a major issue or... czytaj dalej

Symbols of Freemasonry
D. Beresniak Wydawnictwo: inne

A synthesis of one of mankind#8217;s oldest existing secular brotherhoods. It is designed for the initiated and for newcomers interested in gaining a better understanding of this fascinating but often misrepresented society. ... czytaj dalej

For Your Freedom Trough Ours
D. Pienkos Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the never-before-told story of the organized efforts by Polish-Americans to further the humanitarian needs and political independence aspirations of the people of Poland. From the mid-1800s to today... czytaj dalej

Historical Atlas of World
R. McNally Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Eurasia--The Growth of Civilization to 200 A.D. 2 (4) The Ancient World--In the 7th Century B.C. 4 (1) Classical Greece and the Athenian Empire--About 450 B.C. 5 (1) Alexander's Empire and Hellenistic... czytaj dalej

When Children Ask About God
H. Kushner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Who made God? Can God hear my prayers? Why does God let people die? The author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People helps parents understand their children's fears and fantasies, and offers advice on answering... czytaj dalej

Life Choices
P. Carradice Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Teachers, parents and carers worry that the decisions that children and young people make might be unwise or dangerous. Decision making is a skill involving both a cognitive and an affective process. It is... czytaj dalej

Hemshin History Society & Identity in the Highlands of
Simonian Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Hemshin are without doubt one of the most enigmatic peoples of Turkey and the Caucasus. As former Christians who converted to Islam centuries ago yet did not assimilate into the culture of the surrounding... czytaj dalej

Wisdom of God in the Works of The Creation
Ray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title is a facsimile of the full 1826 edition of John Ray's classic "The Wisdom of God". Published by the Ray Society, it marks the 300th anniversary of John Ray's death in 1705. ... czytaj dalej