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Antitrust & the Formation of the Postwar World
Wells Wydawnictwo: inne

Today antitrust law shapes the policy of almost every large company, no matter where headquartered. But this wasn't always the case. Before World War II, the laws of most industrial countries tolerated and... czytaj dalej

Genocide in Darfur
Totten Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is comprised of essays from contributors who were involved in designing the project and hiring and training investigators, interpreters, and support personnel; US government and non-governmental organization... czytaj dalej

America's Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage
D. Pinello Wydawnictwo: brak danych

America's Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage chronicles the evolution of the social movement for same-sex marriage in the United States and examines the political controversies surrounding gay people's quest for... czytaj dalej

Wisdom of Solomon
Grabbe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Originally published as part of the acclaimed Sheffield Guides series, this helpful study-guide is designed to meet the needs of students and general readers in a concise, accessible and affordable format. ... czytaj dalej

Cyprus and the Devotional Arts of Byzantium in the Era of th
A. Weyl Carr Wydawnictwo: inne

Professor Carr is concerned here with the devotional arts of the Byzantine world in the period from the twelfth to the sixteenth century. The first set of studies deals with groups of illuminated manuscripts... czytaj dalej

Stress Response Syndromies 2e
J. Horowitz Wydawnictwo: inne

In this revised and expanded second edition, Dr. Horowitz places special emphasis on treatment. The chapters on diagnosis, theory and therapeutic technique have been extensively revised. In ten years since... czytaj dalej

Vulnerable Transactions in Corporate Insolvency
D. Armour Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text examines powers and remedies available to a liquidator or administrator that render "vulnerable" the company's prior contractual commitments or proprietary dispositions so as to enhance... czytaj dalej

Orange Order
Kaufman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on unprecedented access to the Order's internal documents, this book provides the first systematic social history of the Orange Order - the Protestant association dedicated to maintaining the British... czytaj dalej

British Social Attitudes
A. Park Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The British Social Attitudes survey series is carried out by Britain's largest independent social research institute, the National Centre for Social Research. It provides an indispensable guide to current political... czytaj dalej

Outlaw Culture
B. Hooks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

According to the Washington Post, no one who cares about contemporary African-American cultures can ignore bell hooks' electrifying feminist explorations. Targeting cultural icons as diverse as Madonna and... czytaj dalej