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Well-regarded look at the connection between religion and terrorism. Updated to include events of September 11, 2001. Focus: to better understand how and why some people (and the groups that support them) are... czytaj dalej
In 1996, the International Committee of the Red Cross, alongside a range of renowned experts, embarked upon a major international study into current state practice in international humanitarian law in order... czytaj dalej
Revealing that the honeymoon is more a product of a socially constructed view of romantic love than of the relationship of the individuals concerned, this book takes a multidisciplinary perspective, presenting... czytaj dalej
Yasir Arafat stands as one of the most resilient, recognisable and controversial political figures of modern times. The object of unrelenting suspicion, steady admiration and endless speculation, Arafat has... czytaj dalej
Niniejszym tomem Oficyna Naukowa rozpoczyna edycję wydzielonego w obrębie serii Terminus cyklu. Będą to opracowania ściśle dydaktyczne, objęte wspólnym podtytułem Prolegomena (gr. wprowadzenie do tematu, zagadnienia)... czytaj dalej
This book is the first comprehensive treatment of credit cards in the global economy. The topic is timely not only because of the attention focused on cards as a contributor to the substantial rise in consumer... czytaj dalej
The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations and plays a central role in both the peaceful settlement of international disputes and the development of international... czytaj dalej
This title focuses on what Hurricane Katrina reveals about the fault lines of race and poverty in America - and what lessons we must take from the flood. When Hurricane Katrina tore through New Orleans and... czytaj dalej
The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the mid-800s B.C. 14 (34) Language Families of the Ancient Near East 48 (25) Price of Goods During the Old Babylonian Empire 73 (21) Mesopotamia 94 (65) Staff... czytaj dalej
From bestselling author, Sophie Hodorowicz Knab, comes this unique planning guide for Americans who want to organize and celebrate a Polish-style wedding. Sections titled Engagement, Bridal Flowers, Wedding... czytaj dalej