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Sociology a Global Introduction
J. Macionis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sociology: A Global Introduction is the most complete learning resource for introductory sociology students across Europe.Written in a lively and engaging way, the new edition of this popular text will engage... czytaj dalej

Theology of the Sublime
C. Crockett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A Theology of the Sublime is the first major response to the influential and controversial Radical Orthodoxy movement.Clayton Crockett develops a constructive radical theology from the philosophy of Immanuel... czytaj dalej

How to Spend $50 Billion to Make the World a Better Place
B. Lomborg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Edited by Bj Lomborg, this abridged version of the highly acclaimed Global Crises, Global Solutions provides a serious yet accessible springboard for debate and discussion on the world's most serious problems... czytaj dalej

Interpreting WTO Agreements Problems & Perspectives
A. Qureshi Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The case law of the World Trade Organization is now extensive, running into over one hundred cases and thousands of pages. The interpretative process involved in this jurisprudence constitutes a form of legislative... czytaj dalej

Globalization & War
Barkawi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

War doesn't just tear nations apart - it brings peoples and places closer together, providing a new lens on globalization. This book offers a fresh perspective on globalization and war, topics rarely considered... czytaj dalej

Women Migration & Citizenship
E. Tastsoglou Wydawnictwo: inne

Given the recent and rapid changes to migration patterns and citizenship processes, this volume provides a timely, compelling, empirical and theoretical study of the gendered implications of such developments... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Ethical Research with Ethnocultural Populations
J. Trimble Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What steps can be taken to incorporate a cultural perspective to the evaluation of research risks and benefits? How can investigators develop and implement respectful informed consent procedures in diverse... czytaj dalej

Religion Violence & Politcal Mobilisation
R. Kaur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume provide a multidisciplinary thematic exploration of religious violence in South Asia. The contributors examine the actual organization of violence, the role of governmental agencies and state... czytaj dalej

Colonial & Post-Colonial Geographies of India
S. Raju Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book brings together original contributions by geographers from India, Western Europe and the United States. It provides important insights into the way contemporary geographers engage with broader intellectual... czytaj dalej

Sage Dictionary of Sociology
S. Bruce Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`Steve Bruce's and Steven Yearley's The SAGE Dictionary of Sociology is undoubtedly the most accessible, readable and downright interesting - even amusing - dictionary of its type. In being all of those things... czytaj dalej