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Henry R. Nau's concise and accessible text offers a framework that enables students to recognize and evaluate the different perspectives through which we try to make sense of international politics. Nau shows... czytaj dalej
In the last fifteen years or so, a wide community of artists working in a variety of western European nations have overturned the dominant traditions of comic book publishing as it has existed since the end... czytaj dalej
W niniejszym tomie prezentujemy czytelnikowi prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Jerzemu Perzanowskiemu. Formalną okazją jest sześćdziesiąta rocznica urodzin Profesora przypadająca w kwietniu 2003 roku. Jednakże obok... czytaj dalej
Full of practical information on assessing, diagnosing, and treating alcohol gambling addiction, this handy manual in the new Wiley Series on Treating Addictions is an invaluable tool for anyone who works with... czytaj dalej
Challenging behaviours, such as aggression and violence, are more common in deaf people than hearing people. Filling a crucial gap in the international market, this book will appeal equally to those who work... czytaj dalej
"The New Policing" provides a comprehensive introduction to the critical issues confronting policing today. It incorporates an overview of traditional approaches to the study of the police with a... czytaj dalej
Human rights in the social work environment are either theoretical or general concepts that require application to the specifics of practical settings. "Understanding Human Rights" is written with... czytaj dalej
For one quarter/semester courses in World History emphasizing the 20th century.The World in the Twentieth Century discusses the major political and economic changes that have reshaped global relations and focuses... czytaj dalej
Poradnik antyunijny. Autor prezentuje w nim swoją głęboką troskę o losy ojczyzny i przywiązanie do tradycji konstruując mocne tytuły kolejnych rozdziałów: "Przodkowie z grobów krzyczą: Nie do UE!"... czytaj dalej
This how-to book gives concrete suggestions and step-by-step guidance for both beginning and experienced teachers. It focuses on the practical application of computers and the internet to the everyday tasks... czytaj dalej