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Introduction to Communication Disorders: A Life Span Perspective, Third Edition,is a comprehensive overview of the fields of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, written in an appealing and highly readable... czytaj dalej
Artistic Citizenship asks the question: how do people in the creative arts prepare for, and participate in, civic life? This volume, developed at NYUs Tisch School, identifies the question of artistic citizenship... czytaj dalej
By the end of the twentieth century some nine million people of South Asian descent had left India, Bangladesh or Pakistan and settled in different parts of the world, forming a diverse and significant modern... czytaj dalej
Students embarking on Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) training are often faced with lengthy and complicated texts from which to learn the theory and practice of the approach. Rational Emotive Behaviour... czytaj dalej
"Concise European IT Law" aims to offer the reader a rapid understanding of all the provisions of IT law in force in Europe enacted by European and other international institutions. This volume takes... czytaj dalej
On April 12, 1945, Franklin Roosevelt died and Harry Truman took his place in the White House. Historians have been arguing ever since about the implications of this transition for American foreign policy in... czytaj dalej
This short, practical book prepares students to conduct their own survey research, analyze data, and write up the results, while learning to read and interpret published research.Combines statistics and survey... czytaj dalej
Tracing the story of post-war Europe and its changing role in the world, this book presents history of Europe and investigates its political, social and cultural history from the wreckage of post-war Europe... czytaj dalej
Amy Goodman has got the goods on the cowboys ruling the roost and dishing out the spoils of war in Washington. She serves them up here with hard facts and a sharp tongue that has won her legions of fans and... czytaj dalej
This highly successful fourth edition of this text continues to present a clear and critical survey of competing theories of and various approaches to popular culture. Retaining the accessible approach of previous... czytaj dalej