Książki - nowości - Socjologia, filozofia

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Decolonization Reader
J. Sueur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Grouped around the most salient themes, this compilation includes discussions of metropolitan politics, gender, sexuality, race, culture, nationalism and economy, and offers a comparative and interdisciplinary... czytaj dalej

Pioneering Research Risk Worth Taking
D. Braben Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ask questions not on the agenda Explore ideas wherever they lead Pursue goals because they#146;re important Create options not yet perceived According to premier researcher Don Braben, these are the vital intellectual... czytaj dalej

Humility Matters
Funk Wydawnictwo: inne

This is the third volume of a trilogy that began with Thoughts Matter: The Practice of the Spiritual Life and continued with Tools Matter for Practicing the Spiritual Life. Thoughts Matter was an update of... czytaj dalej

Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers 4 vols
Shook Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers includes both academic and non-academic philosophers, and a large number of female and minority thinkers whose work has been neglected. It includes those intellectuals... czytaj dalej

Blue Gold
M. Barlow Wydawnictwo: brak danych

International tensions around water are rising in many of the world's most volatile regions. The policy recipe pursued by the West, and imposed on governments elsewhere, is to pass control over water to private... czytaj dalej

Piękno i wzniosłość w filozofii Fryderyka Schillera
Kaśkiewicz Kinga Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Rozprawa filozoficzna analizująca pojęcia "piękna" i "wzniosłości" w myśli Fryderyka Schillera.... czytaj dalej

Anthropologie de la ville medievale
Tymowski Michał Wydawnictwo: DiG

Książka jest zbiorem prac różnych autorów opisujących funkcjonowanie miast średniowiecznej Europy. Wydanie w języku francuskim.... czytaj dalej

Children Of Palestine
Dawn Chatty Wydawnictwo: inne

Palestinian children and young people living both within and outside of refugee camps in the Middle East are the focus of this book. For more than half a century these children and their caregivers have lived... czytaj dalej

Diagnosis as Cultural Practice
J. Duchan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is about the doing and experiencing of diagnosis in everyday life. Diagnoses are revealed as interactive negotiations rather than as the assigning of diagnostic labels. The authors demonstrate, through... czytaj dalej

Homosexual Behaviour in Animals
P. Vasey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Behavioural observations from both the field and captivity indicate that same-sex sexual interactions are widespread throughout the animal kingdom, and occur quite frequently in certain non-human species. Proximate... czytaj dalej