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Brothers from the North The Polish Democratic Society
E. Kialuk Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume is a study of the most important organization of Polish political exiles in Western Europe during the revolutions of 1848--1849. It recounts the group's political and military activities in France... czytaj dalej

European Union
L. Miles Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Annual Review, produced in association with JCMS, the Journal of Common Market Studies, covers the key developments in the European Union, its Member States and applicant countries in 2002/2003. It contains... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Material Culture
C. Tilley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The study of material culture is concerned with the relationship between persons and things in the past and in the present, in urban and industrialized and in small-scale societies across the globe. The Handbook... czytaj dalej

Individuality & the Group
T. Postmes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Social identity research has transformed psychology and the social sciences. Developed around intergroup relations, perspectives on social identity have now been applied fruitfully to a diverse array of topics... czytaj dalej

Case Study Research 4 vols
M. David Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Case study research has a long and varied history within and beyond the social sciences. This collection brings together the key articles on this method from the full range of social science disciplines:... czytaj dalej

Measurement 4 vols
D. Bartholomew Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Measurement is the cornerstone of science. Insofar as social science aims to be scientific it, too, must take measurement seriously. Yet measurement has not yet established for itself a central role in the... czytaj dalej

Asperger Social Guide
G. Edmons Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The imposition of 'social skills' teaching is sometimes seen as stemming from a negative attitude to social difference. Participation in 'activities' might be resented by the AS community and the choice to... czytaj dalej

Qualitative Data Analysis
C. Grbich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Packed with detailed examples, a glossary further reading lists and a three-chapter section on writing up, this authoritative guide addresses current issues in the analysis of qualitative data by covering specific... czytaj dalej

Making Sense of Research
G. Hek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Making Sense of Research, Third Edition" is designed to help students and professionals understand research. Research has become integral to everyday practice in health and social care and it is... czytaj dalej

Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership
C. Johnson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership, Second Edition identifies the unique ethical demands of leadership and equips students to meet those challenges. Written in an informal, accessible style, this... czytaj dalej