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Applied Emotional Intelligence
Sparrow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A decade on from its birth, emotional intelligence is attracting more attention than ever before. Why? Because of its proven connection to performance. Tomorrow#8217;s leaders will have to be facilitators who... czytaj dalej

Laws of the Roman People
Williamson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"This intellectually powerful and highly original book examines Roman expansion through the lens of public lawmaking, the process of negotiation and debate by which citizen assemblies resolved conflict... czytaj dalej

Politics & Power in Early Medieval Europe
H. Hummer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

How exactly did political power operate in early medieval Europe? Taking Alsace as his focus, Hans Hummer offers an intriguing new case study on localised and centralised power and the relationship between... czytaj dalej

Morality of War
D. Kinsella Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When and why is war justified? How, morally speaking, should wars be fought? The Morality of War confronts these challenging questions, surveying the fundamental principles and themes of the just war tradition... czytaj dalej

In the Beginning A New Interpretation of Genesis
K. Armstrong Wydawnictwo: inne

"KAREN ARMSTRONG IS A GENIUS."--A. N. WilsonAs the foundation stone of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, The Book of Genesis unfolds some of the most arresting stories of world literature--the... czytaj dalej

Neusner on Judaism
J. Neusner Wydawnictwo: inne

Jacob Neusner has published more than 1000 books and articles, scholarly and academic, popular and journalistic, and is one of the most published humanities scholars in the world. Over a period of fifty years... czytaj dalej

Public International Law
I. Bantekas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Compiled from WestlawUK, each text offers the most accurate and up-to-date material Experienced editors ensure content maps closely onto course syllabuses No commentary - ideal for exam use Clear layouts, a... czytaj dalej

Big Ripoff
Carney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Praise for THE BIG RIPOFF "Politicians like to say that government is on the side of the little guy. But with impressive documentation and persuasive examples, Tim Carney shows how government power and... czytaj dalej

Nomadic Identities
M. Joseph Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Joseph, an Asian African from Tanzania, brings a personal insight to the question of how citizenship is expressed--particularly the nomadic, conditional citizenship related to histories of migrancy and the... czytaj dalej

Cornwall Politics in Age of Reform 1790 1885
Jaggard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This detailed case-study offers a penetrating analysis of the changing political culture in Cornwall up to and after the introduction of the 1832 electoral system. It spans a century in which the county's parliamentary... czytaj dalej