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Hunger for Printed Word
D. Shavit Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A narrative of how libraries functioned as an important cultural life line for East European Jews during the years before World War II and beyond. Shavit narrates the stories of Jewish youth and families whose... czytaj dalej

Filozofia xvii i xviii wieku
Emerich Coreth, Harald Schondorf Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki

Nowa filozofia, która pojawia się od XVII wieku, nie jest już domeną zakonników czy innych duchownych będących profesorami uniwersyteckimi, jak to było w okresie Średniowiecza i częściowo jeszcze w Renesansie... czytaj dalej

Aspects of Aristocracy
Cannadine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this stylish and provocative book, the eminent historian David Cannadine brings his characteristic wit and acumen to bear on the British aristocracy, probing behind the legendary escapades and indulgences... czytaj dalej

Hebrew God
B. Lang Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Originally worshipped by the people of a small and politically insignificant eastern Mediterranean community, the Hebrew God rose to become the monotheistic deity of the entire Western tradition. In this absorbing... czytaj dalej

G. Cornish Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This well-known handy book explains the provisions of the UK Copyright Act and supporting legislation in quick and easy question-and-answer form. It is a working guide for the practising LIS professional to... czytaj dalej

American Journey Teaching & Learning Classroom Edition v 1
D. Goldfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Comprehensive study guides including key topics, chapter notes section, true/false and multiple choice questions with answer key, map evaluation exercises, and essay questions.... czytaj dalej

Roating Camp Social World of California Gold Rush
Johnson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With the alchemy of great history, Susan Johnson transforms the familiar story of the Gold Rush into one that is sparkling and new. Our collective memory knows about the Gold Rush: the mid-nineteenth century... czytaj dalej

J. Weeks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

We are almost programmed into thinking of our sexuality as a wholly natural feature of life. But sexual relations are but one form of social relations, as Jeffrey Weeks makes clear in his book. Drawing on the... czytaj dalej

Katyn & the Soviet Massacre of 1940
G. Sanford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Soviet massacre of Polish prisoners of war at Katyn and in other camps in 1940 was one of the most notorious incidents of the Second World War. The truth about the massacres was long suppressed, both by... czytaj dalej

Official History of Britain & the Channel Tunnel
T. Gourvish Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Commissioned by the Cabinet Office and using hitherto untapped British Government records, this book presents an in-depth analysis of the successful project of 1986-94. This is a vivid portrayal of the complexities... czytaj dalej