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This thought-provoking second volume of The Jewish Political Tradition is concerned with the theme of membership. The book brings together the most important texts on membership topics from 3,000 years of Jewish... czytaj dalej
Reviving Phoenicia follows the social, intellectual and political development of the Phoenician myth of origin in Lebanon from the middle of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth. Asher Kaufman... czytaj dalej
This history explains how Napoleon forged a dictatorship and explores the dilemmas of collaboration, personal and political. The 18th Brumaire, November 9, 1799: with France in political and economic turmoil... czytaj dalej
LoPucki's provocative critique of Chapter 11 is required reading for everyone who cares about bankruptcy reform. This empirical account of large Chapter 11 cases will trigger intense debate both inside the... czytaj dalej
This groundbreaking book pulls back the shroud of awe and the cloak of time enveloping FDR to prove convincingly how flawed his economic policies actually were, despite his good intentions and the astounding... czytaj dalej
This title is a facsimile of the full 1826 edition of John Ray's classic "The Wisdom of God". Published by the Ray Society, it marks the 300th anniversary of John Ray's death in 1705. ... czytaj dalej
Rozmowy Heleny Zaworskiej z księdzem Janem Twardowksim układają się w biograficzną opowieść o życiu, wierze, poezji, kapłaństwie i doświadczeniach życiowych, które uczą patrzeć na świat z pogodą i ufnością.... czytaj dalej
Das Buch leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis von Medizin und Pflege: Ein Mensch besteht aus Leib und Seele, und wenn er erkrankt, so leiden beide. Psychosomatik ist eine Auffassung vom Menschen... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate courses in Motivation.This experimentally-oriented text provides a critical examination of research and theory with a topical approach. It covers a broad range of motivational concepts from... czytaj dalej
HE WHO SAVES ONE LIFE is starkly documented by official dispatches and documents drawn from many previously unpublished sources -- newspapers, findings of government, investigations, government bulletins from... czytaj dalej