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Jews in Old Poland
Antony Polonsky,J. Basista Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book describes the establishment, growth and partial decline of one of the most important Jewish communities in the world. In the late 15th century the Polish-Lithunaian commonwealth became the centre... czytaj dalej

Ethics & Memory
E. Wiesel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text contains the lecture at the Center for Advanced Studies, Berlin, by Elie Wiesel. Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1986.... czytaj dalej

Companion to Greek Tragedy
J. Gregory Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Blackwell Companion to Greek Tragedy provides readers with a fundamental grounding in Greek tragedy, and also introduces them to the various methodologies and the lively critical dialogue that characterize... czytaj dalej

India's 2004 Elections
R. Roy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Building on their insightful work on India's 1998 and 1999 parliamentary elections, distinguished scholars Ramashray Roy and Paul Wallace are back with an edited volume on the 2004 elections. This volume is... czytaj dalej

Hebrew God
B. Lang Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Originally worshipped by the people of a small and politically insignificant eastern Mediterranean community, the Hebrew God rose to become the monotheistic deity of the entire Western tradition. In this absorbing... czytaj dalej

Safe Third Countries
S. Lavenex Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The refugee issue has always been controversial and Lavenex's analysis adds fuel to an already heated debate. She analyses the various bi - and multilateral processes by which the countries of Central and Eastern... czytaj dalej

Burns Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Lavishly illustrated with beautiful photographs and original plans, "Damascus" provides for the first time in English a compelling and unique exploration of a fascinating city. "Damascus"... czytaj dalej

Networks & Netwars the Future of Terror Crime & Militancy
J. Arquilla Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Netwar is the lower-intensity, societal-level counterpart to the editors earlier, mostly military concept of cyberwar. This volume studies major instances of netwar - such as bin Laden's network of terrorists... czytaj dalej

Tests and Measurement for People Who
N. Salkind Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tests Measurement for People Who (Think They) Hate Tests Measurement is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students in the social and behavioural sciences who are taking their first courses in tests and... czytaj dalej

Political Economy & Global Affairs
A. Sobel Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Helps students develop analytic explanatory skills not just for describing what happens in the international political economy, but explaining why policymakers select their choices in an era of increasing globalization... czytaj dalej