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Companion to the European Union
Alistair Blair Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This accessible, user-friendly guide provides students with all the key information and analysis on the European Union and its policies.It covers the main areas, such as the single market and budgeting, and... czytaj dalej

Sexual Organization of the City
Laumann Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Drawing on extensive surveys and interviews with Chicago adults, Edward O. Laumann and his colleagues show that the city is, in the face of pop culture evidence to the contrary, a place where sexual choices... czytaj dalej

Life Cycle of Corporate Governance
I. Filatotchev Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'The range of articles here clearly goes beyond the limits normally encountered, adding also an international perspective not restricted to just the US, but encompassing Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and... czytaj dalej

One Woman in War
Polcz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Before the publication of this book, Alaine Polcz was widely recognized as a psychologist ministering to the needs of disturbed and incurably ill children and their families, as the author of numerous articles... czytaj dalej

History of Humanity v.4 Seventh to Sixteenth Century
Coll Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Volume IV of the History of Humanity takes a global perspective on the period between the seventh and sixteenth centuries, making special reference to indigenous civilizations in Asia, Africa, the Americas... czytaj dalej

Polish National Catholic Church of America
C. Grotnik Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume explores the unique qualities of the Polish National Catholic Church - for example, the validity of its Holy Orders has been recognized by the Roman Catholic Church and it is the only Church in... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities 3 vols
E. Skutsch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There was a time when minority populations around the globe were often overlooked, their histories forgotten, their needs ignored. With globalization and conflict, social and political changes in the last decades... czytaj dalej

Children with Star
Deborah Dwork Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This powerful and moving book tells for the first time the history of the children who lived and died in the shadow of the Holocaust. Drawing on oral histories, archival records, letters and diaries, Dwork... czytaj dalej

Communicating without Speech
Cockerill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is aimed at health professionals treating children who fail to develop adequate speech due to complex neurological conditions or learning disabilities and may require augmentative and alternative... czytaj dalej