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Straddling the Border
L. Magana Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With the dual and often conflicting responsibilities of deterring illegal immigration and providing services to legal immigrants, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is a bureaucracy beset... czytaj dalej

Sacre (LE)
S. Gonzague Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Une journée particuličre... ou quand Bonaparte devint Napoléon. Gonzague Saint Bris nous conte par le menu le sacre de l'Empereur célébré le 2 décembre 1804 en présence du pape Pie VII. Mais que sait-on de... czytaj dalej

History of the Soviet Union from the Beginning to the End
P. Kenez Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An examination of political, social and cultural developments in the Soviet Union. The book identifies the social tensions and political inconsistencies that spurred radical change in the government of Russia... czytaj dalej

FDR's Folly How Roosevelt & His New Deal Prolonged the Great
J. Powell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This groundbreaking book pulls back the shroud of awe and the cloak of time enveloping FDR to prove convincingly how flawed his economic policies actually were, despite his good intentions and the astounding... czytaj dalej

Race Ethnicity Gender and Class Sociology of Group Conflict
Healey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This third edition of a text for undergraduates features historical coverage of each ethnic group, and increased coverage of gender-related issues and comparative, international perspectives. Material has been... czytaj dalej

Gale Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes v 4
Sharon Malinowski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new set offers students and researchers thorough, objective and systematic essays on the history, culture and current status of all federally recognized Native American groups -- approximately 400 in all... czytaj dalej

Sens miłości
Sołowjow Wydawnictwo: inne

Po dwukrotnym przeżyciu zawodu miłosnego, Sołowjow napisał w latach 1892 - 1894 pięć artykułów, wydanych pod wspólnym tytułem Sens miłości. Zainteresował się aspektem mistycznym miłości. Sołowjow nie chciał... czytaj dalej

Creations of the Mind
Margolis Wydawnictwo: inne

Creations of the Mind presents sixteen original essays by theorists from a wide variety of disciplines who have a shared interest in the nature of artifacts and their implications for the human mind. All the... czytaj dalej

United Nations System
C. Alger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The essays in this volume provide a comparative study of national policies towards the United Nations. Eight cases have been selected: Algeria, Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the United Kingdom... czytaj dalej

International Review of Research in Mental Retardation v28
Glidden Wydawnictwo: inne

Motivation is the energizing force that drives much of our attention, conscious effort, and achievement in life. Yet this important driving force may be absent, low, or problematic in persons with mental retardation... czytaj dalej