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The present volume marks a significant step in the progress of Medieval Sermon Studies and in the annals of the society founded to promote research in this field. Its publication follows the retirement from... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate courses in Motivation.This experimentally-oriented text provides a critical examination of research and theory with a topical approach. It covers a broad range of motivational concepts from... czytaj dalej
Negotiating an International Master Franchising Agreement provides a comprehensive guide to the structuring and negotiation of domestic and international franchising arrangements throughout the world. Based... czytaj dalej
This book is a major new intellectual and cultural history of intolerance and toleration in early modern and early Enlightenment Europe. John Marshall offers an extensive study of late seventeenth-century practices... czytaj dalej
This revision of Gerald Corey's best-selling text introduces students to the major theories of counseling (psychoanalytic, Adlerian, existential, person-centered, Gestalt, reality, behavior, cognitive-behavior... czytaj dalej
Wśród ludzi na scenach i na ekranie obejmuje szkice poświęcone europejskiej klasyce dramatycznej od Orestei Ajschylosa, przez dramaty Szekspira i Lopego de Vegi, Cyda Corneille?a, komedie Moliera, Wesele Figara... czytaj dalej
Przewodniczącym Komisji Redakcyjnej Wojennej Enciklopjediji rosyjskiego wydawnictwa Wojennoje Izdatielstwo, był Minister Obrony Federacji Rosyjskiej I. N. Rodionow.8 tomów Encyklopedii zawiera 11 tysięcy haseł... czytaj dalej
Analyses the turbulent transitions that have taken place in the post-communist world since 1989 -- 91. Each chapter dissects institutional upheaval in transition central banking, the trade union movement, capital... czytaj dalej
With the alchemy of great history, Susan Johnson transforms the familiar story of the Gold Rush into one that is sparkling and new. Our collective memory knows about the Gold Rush: the mid-nineteenth century... czytaj dalej
Innovative formal structures challenge readers to reconsider their assumptions and beliefs about social issues. ... czytaj dalej