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Matter Of Character Inside The White House Of George W Bush
R. Kessler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Honesty. Integrity. Clarity of purpose. These are the qualities that Ronald Kessler, author of the New York Times best-seller Inside the White House, discovered while investigating our current president who... czytaj dalej

National Courts' Mandate in the European Constitution
Claes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The reform of the European Constitution continues to dominate news headlines and has provoked a massive debate, unprecedented in the history of EU law. Against this backdrop Monica Claes' book offers a "bottom... czytaj dalej

Cross Goes North
Carver Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In Europe, the cross went north and east as the centuries unrolled: from the Dingle Peninsula to Estonia, and from the Alps to Lapland, ranging in time from Roman Britain and Gaul in the third and fourth centuries... czytaj dalej

China the Fragile Superpower
Shirk Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What kind of superpower will China become, cooperative or aggressive? Susan Shirk, a former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State responsible for China, has spent years thinking about this critical question... czytaj dalej

Price of War
Thrift Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Much rare material is incorporated in this unique account of urbanization in a developing country that was ravaged by war for twenty years. With due emphasis on the experience of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City... czytaj dalej

New Atlanticist
Zaborowski Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Of all the countries joining the EU in 2004 Poland is by far the largest and the most vocal. Its confidence and assertiveness over the European constitution, together with its strong support for US policy over... czytaj dalej

Exploring Working Class Experiences of Parenting
Gillies Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Successive moral panics have cast poor or socially excluded mothers - associated with social problems as diverse as crime, under achievement, unemployment and mental illness - as bad mothers. Their mothering... czytaj dalej

Disability Studies Reader
L. Davis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Disability Studies Reader collects for the first time representative texts from the newly emerging field of disability studies. This volume represents a major advance in presenting the most important writings... czytaj dalej

Antysemityzm współczesne oblicza
Bernardelli Giorgio Wydawnictwo: inne

Jeśli szukacie książki, w której moglibyście przeczytać, że nawrót antysemityzmu to bajka wymyślona przez żydowskie lobby, aby móc w spokoju prowadzić własne interesy, odłóżcie tę pozycję na półkę. Ale rozczarujecie... czytaj dalej