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Restorative Justice For Juveniles
A. Morris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Internationally, there is now an acceptance of the need to develop new strategies in criminal justice which reflect restorative justice principles. At the same time, theory, research and practice in restorative... czytaj dalej

Filozofia przedplatońska
Janina Gajda-Krynicka Wydawnictwo: PWN

Osiem wykładów o charakterze akademickim, poświęconych kolejno problemom: źródła i początki filozofii;problemy metodologiczno-warsztatowe;filozofia przedplatońska jako poszukiwanie zasad archai;pojęcie arche;Heraklit... czytaj dalej

Government of Risk Understanding Risk Regulation Regime
Ch Hood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why does regulation vary so dramatically from one area to another? Why are some risks regulated aggressively and others responded to only modestly? Is there any logic to the techniques we use in risk regulation... czytaj dalej

Transformations of Love
F. Harris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The most controversial episode in the life of the seventeenth-century virtuoso and diarist John Evelyn has always been his passionate, complex friendship with the Restoration maid of honour Margaret Blagge... czytaj dalej

Biographische Enzyklopadie Deutschsprachiger Philosophen
Jahn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ranging from the Early Middle Ages to the present day the Biographische Enzyklopädie deutschsprachiger Philosophen (Biographical Encyclopedia of German-language Philosophers) encompasses the full spectrum of... czytaj dalej

Museum Management & Marketing
Janes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Drawing together a selection of high quality, intellectually robust and stimulating articles on both theoretical and practice-based developments in the field, this Reader investigates the closely linked areas... czytaj dalej

Sweet & Maxwells Guide to Mooting
Hill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides a complete guide for those participating in and those organising mooting competitions. It takes students through the principles and practical applications of mooting step-by-step. It shows... czytaj dalej

Land Law
Weldon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presenting the essentials of land law, this title explains the basic principles. It includes diagrams and flowcharts to illustrate difficult concepts, and contains an examination checklist. It provides sample... czytaj dalej

Theory & Practice of Counseling & Psychotherapy
G. Corey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This revision of Gerald Corey's best-selling text introduces students to the major theories of counseling (psychoanalytic, Adlerian, existential, person-centered, Gestalt, reality, behavior, cognitive-behavior... czytaj dalej

European Union since 1945
Blair Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The European Union since 1945  provides a general survey of European intergration, from its emergence at the end of World War II to the negotiation of the Constitutional Treaty in 2004 and enlargement to Central... czytaj dalej