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Partition & Post-Colonial Sounth Asia 3vol
Kudaisya Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947 was a turning point for the area, irrevocably altering the fortunes of the people of South Asia. This three-volume reader brings together an array of essays... czytaj dalej

Conflict & Peace Building in Divided Societies
Oberschall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This groundbreaking book provides an integrated account of ethnic, nationality and sectarian conflicts in the contemporary world including the role of collective myths, the mass media and the ethnification... czytaj dalej

Życie w bliskości Chrystusa. Część 2
Mnich z Zakonu Kartuzów Wydawnictwo: eSPe

Przez milczenie i modlitwę, przez nieustanną medytację słów Pisma Świętego i intensywne uczestnictwo w życiu liturgicznym, kartuzi z każdym dniem coraz głębiej wchodzą w tajemnicę Boga. Ich życie stopniowo... czytaj dalej

Power & Party in an English City
Green Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Power and Party in an English City" provides an account of how decisions are taken by the state at the level of locality. More specifically, it is an account of the private policy-making activities... czytaj dalej

Heglowska filozofia ducha
Żelazny Mirosław Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Prof. dr hab. Mirosław Żelazny, ur. 1954 w Radomiu. Kierownik Zakładu Estetyki w Instytucie Filozofii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Zajmuje się historią filozofii nowożytnej i współczesnej, przede... czytaj dalej

Twelfth-Century Cistercian Manuscripts
Natasa Golob Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive study dealing with a group of illuminated manuscripts from the Cistercian monastry of Sticna, the ancient Sitticum, in Slovenia. Natasa Golob reconstructs the medieval Sticna collection and... czytaj dalej

For the Sake of Humanity Essays
A. Stephens Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"For the Sake of Humanity" is a collection of essays in honour of Clemens N. Nathan, a man occupying a remarkable position in the public life of the United Kingdom. Over a period of several decades... czytaj dalej

Jews & Heretics in Catholic Poland
M. Teter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland takes issue with historians' common contention that the Catholic Church triumphed in Counter-Reformation Poland. In fact, the Church's own sources show that the story is... czytaj dalej

Ancient Near East v.1
R. Wallenfels Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Spanning more than 4,000 years, from the Early Bronze Age to 325 B.C.E., this Encyclopedia provides an overview of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran/Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and more. This 4-vol. set is fully illustrated... czytaj dalej

Public Life and the Place of the Church
M. Brierley Wydawnictwo: inne

The work of Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford from 1987 to 2006, has been highly distinctive for the consistency of its engagement with contemporary society. It represents a model of the Church which is outward-looking... czytaj dalej