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Symbols of Catholicism
J. Le Gall Wydawnictwo: inne

This book invites the reader either to discover or to increase the understanding of Catholocism, on of the cornerstones of Western culture. The symbols of the Catholic Church are at once human and divine, material... czytaj dalej

Imperialism & the Modern World
F. Chiteji Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For introductory World or Global history classes, especially those that cover the nineteenth- and twentieth-centuries; upper-division courses on global imperialism in the modern era.  Imperialism in the Modern... czytaj dalej

Holding Up Half of the Sky
Y. Hedrick-Wong Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides a systematic analysis of the size, purchasing power, demographic and market characteristics of women consumers, and their outlook in the next ten years, in 11 countries in Asia.  It describes... czytaj dalej

Jews in Poland-Lithuania in the Eighteenth Century
G. Hundert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Missing from most accounts of the modern history of Jews in Europe is the experience of what was once the largest Jewish community in the world - an oversight that Gershon David Hundert corrects in this history... czytaj dalej

Rethinking Evidence
W. Twining Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Law of Evidence has traditionally been perceived as a dry, highly technical, and mysterious subject. This book argues that problems of evidence in law are closely related to the handling of evidence in... czytaj dalej

Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.2
Bulliet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Although this brief edition is two-thirds the length of its full-length counterpart, it retains coverage of all major themes and maintains the authors' commitment to providing a truly global perspective on... czytaj dalej

Key Moments in Church History
Finley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Spanning from the birth of Christianity through the Crusades and the Protestant Reformation to John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council, "Key Moments in Church History" is a brief and accessible... czytaj dalej

Arguments Against G8
G. Hubbard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'One of the most important books in recent years. ... This book draws together some of the most brilliant analysts in the world. I cannot recommend it highly enough.' Robert W. McChesney, author, The Problem... czytaj dalej

Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
O`Brien Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Divided into five parts, this book aims to guide the reader through the key issues and debates within contemporary epistemology. It also explains complex issues such as those concerning the Private Language... czytaj dalej

Onset of Global Governance
E. Leonard Wydawnictwo: inne

Assessing the formation process of the International Criminal Court (ICC), this study provides a fuller and richer understanding of this institution. It does so by adopting three analytical approaches: neoliberal... czytaj dalej