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Unfair trading practices such as dumping and the granting of subsidies have long been identified as threats to open markets. Yet, despite decades of international trading rules, global markets are still jeopardized... czytaj dalej
More and more multinational companies are deploying key employees around the globe to serve the increasing international business needs of the multinational, its global markets, and its customers. The ability... czytaj dalej
Mastering Philosophy introduces the beginner to all the main areas of this fascinating subject. A wide range of problems are investigated within a generally historical framework from the Ancient Greeks through... czytaj dalej
This book is most excellent. Any student (and not a few teachers) will find this an indispensable resource. My congratulations go to you and all those associated with this endeavour. John McLean, Lecturer in... czytaj dalej
Promoting Treatment Adherence Providers addresses a central issue in contemporary therapeutic practice: adherence to treatment. This volume will present cutting edge research and theory on adherence, both in... czytaj dalej
The limited liability company - the GmbH - dominates the German corporate landscape. It is particularly attractive to those who want to give their business a legal form that can be flexibly structured. This... czytaj dalej
This text/reader for courses in recent American history emphasises political participation and popular culture. The book takes as its main theme the paradoxical relationship of Americans to their government... czytaj dalej
W ostatnich latach można zauważyć coraz większą aktywność naukową studentów i doktorantów. Zadają oni coraz bardziej dociekliwie pytania, coraz częściej przedstawiają dojrzale, choć jeszcze nie perfekcyjnie... czytaj dalej
Logika klasyczna a założenia egzystencjalneNowe ujęcie epistemologii realistycznejLogiczne i semantyczne antynomieWybrane zagadnienia logiki deontycznejNowy dowód rozstrzygalności rachunku funkcyjnego... czytaj dalej
Addresses directly the major points of difficulty faced by students of Husserl and leads them through the maze of complex ideas and language. In identifying and working through common sources of confusion arising... czytaj dalej