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When the Dead Cry Out
H. Bonner Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

One stormy February afternoon, Clara Marshall collected her daughters, six-year old Lorraine and five-year-old Janine, from school. They were never seen again. Richard Marshall, Clara's heartbroken husband... czytaj dalej

Those Foolish Things
D. Moggah Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A thoroughly enjoyable black comedy from the author of Tulip Fever.Dr. Ravi Kapoor has reached the end of his tether. He is over-worked and exhausted; his South London hospital is out of funds; and reporters... czytaj dalej

P. Carson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Murder cuts both ways . . .Scott Nolan wants vengeance. One wintry Dublin morning a hit man took out not only his medical career and rising profile as a campaigner against drug abuse but also his beautiful... czytaj dalej

French Women Don't Get Fat The Secret of Eating for Pleasure
M. Guiliano Wydawnictwo: inne

The book we've all (certainly every woman between 25 and 75) been waiting for. Classy, chic, convincing, funny, wise, well-written and very timely. It's the ultimate non-diet book, which nonetheless shows us... czytaj dalej

N. Dhaliwal Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Set in the long hot summer of 2002, Tourism is a filthy, unflinching and politically incorrect take on modern Britain by an extraordinary young Sikh writer.Bhupinder 'Puppy' Singh Johal #8212; handsome, rakish... czytaj dalej

Pacific Crossing
Soto Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Lincoln Mendoza thought life as a Mexican-American in the States was tough, but that's nothing compared to what he finds when he goes to Japan. ... czytaj dalej

Daniel's Mystery Egg (L. #2)
Ada Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Daniel finds an egg. What kind of animal will this mystery egg hatch? Imaginations run wild as the kids in Daniel#8217;s class guess what sort of surprise the egg has in store.... czytaj dalej

Riverside Milton
Flannagan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first one-volume anthology of John Milton's complete poetry and selected prose to be published in over 30 years, The Riverside Milton reflects the highest quality and most current scholarship. As editor... czytaj dalej

Hershey's Kisses Addition Book
J. Pallotta Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A cast of hilarious miniature clowns, staggering under the weight of life-sized HERSHEY'S Kisses, introduces simple addition concepts using delicious chocolate HERSHEY'S Kisses.... czytaj dalej

Wright Brothers
George Sullivan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This fascinating chapter book series brings to readers complete biographies of important historical figures. Each book uses a variety of sources, such as letters and documents featuring the actual words of... czytaj dalej