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W 1871 roku Chiny nawiedza klęska głodu i ojciec trzynastoletniej Lalu musi ją sprzedać. Dziewczyna trafia do domu publicznego, skąd zabiera ją do Ameryki handlarka żywym towarem. Tam zostaje wystawiona na... czytaj dalej
Londyński przyrodnik John Fitzgerald, zafascynowany ginącymi gatunkami, nie przypuszczał nawet, że przy okazji poszukiwania zaginionego Ptaka z Uliety wplącze się w niemal kryminalną intrygę. Śledząc losy zaginionego... czytaj dalej
On Ruth and Emerson's third anniversary, she expects that her film maker husband will be lonely. When she surprises him on set, she finds him with Selma Rodriguez, the artsy set designer, effectively ending... czytaj dalej
Peter Vardy's much acclaimed introduction to the study of ideas about God -- now revised and updated. A clear, well-written guide to philosophical thinking about God. Starting with the question of what it means... czytaj dalej
Susan Hill, a master of characterization and storytelling, writes with compassion, humour and a unique understanding of the details of daily life in this utterly absorbing crime novel #8212; the first in a... czytaj dalej
'Before I turn 67 - next March - I would like to have a lot of sex with a man I like. If you want to talk first, Trollope works for me.' - Small ad in the New York Review of Books'Round-heeled' is an old-fashioned... czytaj dalej
The author's chronicle of one summer as an Alaskan smokejumper reflects on the years of training, the adrenaline-fueled jumps, his brushes with death, the fires he conquered, and the ones that got away. ... czytaj dalej
Dreams of flying can come true, and this book can help launch young readers toward a lofty career as an astronaut. Filled with fascinating photographs and facts about the history and the future of space exploration... czytaj dalej
Small Brown Bear and her dad clown around on a bike...and bump into trouble! What will Dad do?... czytaj dalej
An easy-to-read, page-turning account of Harriet Tubman's life-from a childhood in slavery to the years as a conductor on the Underground Railroad to her later work as a suffragette and as a spy in the Civil... czytaj dalej