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Wright Brothers
George Sullivan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This fascinating chapter book series brings to readers complete biographies of important historical figures. Each book uses a variety of sources, such as letters and documents featuring the actual words of... czytaj dalej

My Fir Action Rhymes
L. Cravath Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Traditional action rhymes, such as "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "Where Is Thumbkin?" are illustrated and described, encouraging participation by young readers to act out their favorite... czytaj dalej

Horse in the House
Ben Baglio Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Mandy and James are sad because their friend Wilfred Bennett has to sell his riding stables. Things get even worse when Sam Western turns the land into a campsite and wants everyone to forget the stables ever... czytaj dalej

First Graders from MARS #3 Nergal & the Great Space Race
S. Corey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The first graders of Pod 1 are buzzing: It's Martian Health Week! They are learning about the 450 food groups. They are practicing for the space race. Only poor Nergal is so nervous he ties himself into knots... czytaj dalej

True Stories of the Second World War
Paul Dowswell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Recounting incredible daring and suffering, these harrowing stories include naval battles, ground assaults, and duels between lone snipers. Maps and drawings complement these historical vignettes.... czytaj dalej

Dancing with the Two-headed Tigress
Biswas Wydawnictwo: inne

When her boorish father dies, fat, unsophisticated Mousumi is sent from India to her cosmopolitan relations in London. Leaving behind everything she has ever known, a forlorn mother and an amorous shopkeeper... czytaj dalej

Internet-linked Introduction to Genes & DNA
A. Clayboure Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A journey into the heart of a cell, covering the structure, function and importance of this unit of life. It outlines the history of genetic science and debates some of the issues, such as genetic engineering... czytaj dalej

Dragon Well 3
D. Willis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this third title in an all-new series for young readers, Nearra and her friends reach a tiny mountain village, where they meet a mysterious clairvoyant who's had a vision of Nearra's destiny--a vision that... czytaj dalej

Some Values of Landscape & Weather
P. Gizzi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Reviving poetic architectures such as elegy, song and litany, Gizzi's poetry builds what he calls a "comprehensive music". In his work, musical and pictorial values perform against a backdrop of political... czytaj dalej

J. Michener Wydawnictwo:

Michener's memoir of a recent trip to Poland and Rome is as witless as a postcard, its greeting something like ``Having a wonderful time, you won't believe the fuss being made over me.'' The visit to Poland--Michener's... czytaj dalej