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Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito 1507-1523 v.1
E. Rummel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wolfgang Capito (1478-1541) was one of the most important figures of the Reformation, a leading churchman who turned from Catholic to Protestant. A professor of theology and advisor to the Archbishop of Mainz... czytaj dalej

Hickory dickory dock
ilustracje Jo Brown Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Książeczka dla dzieci. Kaseta z piosenkami po angielsku gratis.... czytaj dalej

In the Presence of the Enemy
E. George Wydawnictwo: inne

A young girl disappears from the streets of London without a trace. Her mother, a well-respected, conservative MP, is convinced she knows the identity of the kidnapper--the child's father. But Detective Inspector... czytaj dalej

Books of Magic vol 4 Consequences
Jablonski Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Do you believe in magic?Timothy Hunter is just like any other thirteen-year-old boy in London . . . except for the tiny fact that he might be the most powerful magician of his time.Tim has decided to finally... czytaj dalej

When the Dead Cry Out
H. Bonner Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

One stormy February afternoon, Clara Marshall collected her daughters, six-year old Lorraine and five-year-old Janine, from school. They were never seen again. Richard Marshall, Clara's heartbroken husband... czytaj dalej

P. Carson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Murder cuts both ways . . .Scott Nolan wants vengeance. One wintry Dublin morning a hit man took out not only his medical career and rising profile as a campaigner against drug abuse but also his beautiful... czytaj dalej

French Women Don't Get Fat The Secret of Eating for Pleasure
M. Guiliano Wydawnictwo: inne

The book we've all (certainly every woman between 25 and 75) been waiting for. Classy, chic, convincing, funny, wise, well-written and very timely. It's the ultimate non-diet book, which nonetheless shows us... czytaj dalej

Man of Feeling
J. Marias Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Set in Madrid, passion and power frame this sophisticated, and at times perverse, comedy of manners. #8220;Javier Mariás is in my opinion one of the bet contemporary writers.#8221; #8212;J.M. Coetzee. Mariás... czytaj dalej

Unfinished Life
M. Spragg Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Jean Gilkyson is living in Iowa with yet another brutal boyfriend, when she realizes this kind of life has got to stop, especially for the sake of her daughter, Griff. But the only place they can run to is... czytaj dalej

N. Dhaliwal Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Set in the long hot summer of 2002, Tourism is a filthy, unflinching and politically incorrect take on modern Britain by an extraordinary young Sikh writer.Bhupinder 'Puppy' Singh Johal #8212; handsome, rakish... czytaj dalej