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With the aim of distilling the essential core of Ralph Waldo Emerson's letter-writing endeavour into one volume, this text presents a selection of 350 pieces of his correspondence written between 1813 and 1880... czytaj dalej
Moderne Highway-Piraten überfallen seit Monaten Lastwagenfahrer, rauben deren Trucks und töten die Opfer. Um davon abzulenken, erlässt Virginias Gouverneur eine absurde Anordnung: Auf der winzigen Insel Tangier... czytaj dalej
In Montpellier, 1748: Jean-Louis Fargeon is born into a family of perfumers and soon becomes apprenticed to his father's modest perfumerie. But he dreams of the glittering court of Versailles and of becoming... czytaj dalej
Children's literature continues to be one of the most rapidly expanding and exciting of interdisciplinary academic studies, of interest to anyone concerned with literature, education, internationalism, childhood... czytaj dalej
Children learn basic scientific principles through fun, entertaining experiments, concocting their favorite edible treats, such as rock candy, hot beverages, and more.... czytaj dalej
A ghostly welcome awaits all those who dare to open the cover of this book.Contains three original super-spooky stories, illustrated in all their ghostly glory by Mike Phillips.With easy-to-read text for readers... czytaj dalej
One can't help but see this as a response to Suzannah Lessard's The Architect of Desire. Lessard wrote of her great-grandfather's presence as being 'something dark right there in the light.' But after reading... czytaj dalej
wealthy and spoiled young woman living in New York searches for the meaning of life while coping with her broken engagement and telephone calls from her mother in England pressuring her to marry the Earl next door. ... czytaj dalej
Simon Kernick is the UK's equivalent to Harlan Coben with his twisty tales of people in impossible situations, except his heroes are more likely to be ex-police, ex-military than Coben's everyman and can handle... czytaj dalej