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Życiorys pokornych
Wojciech Wieczorek Wydawnictwo: inne

Nowa książka Wojciecha Wieczorka, autora znakomitych Szkiców z prowincji, to spojrzenie na naszą historię najnowszą "od spodu". Autor w lekki, choć pełen erudycji i mądrości sposób przedstawia losy... czytaj dalej

Peacock Emporium
Moyes Wydawnictwo: inne

Athene Forster embraced the Sixties like few others. Nicknamed the Last Deb, she is spoilt, beautiful, and out of control. And within two years of her marriage, the rumors have begun again. Thirty-five years... czytaj dalej

J. Nance Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Further nail-biting suspense from the master of the airborne disaster thriller The 'boomerang box' is a high-tech computer program designed to save an aircraft experiencing flight trouble, and Dr Ben Coles... czytaj dalej

Mitchel Wydawnictwo: inne

An apocalyptic cult member carries out a gas attack on a rush-hour metro, but what connects him to a jazz buff in Tokyo? A woman on a holy mountain talks to a tree - and the tree talks back - unaware of the... czytaj dalej

Who Was Albert Einstein
Barry Boehm Wydawnictwo: inne

Albert Einstein tried to uncover a new vision of the world and the universe.. He came very close, giving a radically new shape to our understanding of nature and our dreams. His thinking and above all, his... czytaj dalej

Adventures of Young Buffalo Bill To The Frontier
Kimmel Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Buffalo Bill wasn't always a world-famous legend. Before he was everyone's favorite Pony Express rider and star of his own Wild West Show, Bill was a real pioneer: a boy who hopped on a wagon and blazed a new... czytaj dalej

French Leave
D. Race Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

French Leave, tie-in to the major TV series directed by Pat Llewellyn, who discovered Jamie Oliver and the Two Fat Ladies, follows two-star Michelin chef John Burton Race, his wife, six children and Labrador... czytaj dalej

Justification of Johann Gutenberg
Blake Morrison Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Around 1400, in the city of Mainz, a man was born whose heretical invention was to change history. Sixty odd years later he died - robbed of his business, his printing presses, and, so he thought, his immortality... czytaj dalej

Matter of Death & Life
A. Kurkov Wydawnictwo: inne

Marital troubles?Sick of life? Suicide the answer? Why not get yourself a contract killer? Nothing easier, provided you communicate only by phone and box number. You give him your photograph, specify when and... czytaj dalej

Those Foolish Things
D. Moggah Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A thoroughly enjoyable black comedy from the author of Tulip Fever.Dr. Ravi Kapoor has reached the end of his tether. He is over-worked and exhausted; his South London hospital is out of funds; and reporters... czytaj dalej