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Cold Comfort
Tadeusz Rybowski Wydawnictwo: inne

Writing a poem in your native language is like wandering in the woods in broad daylight. You can easily distinguish an oak from a pine.... czytaj dalej

Cambridge Introduction to Walt Whitman
Killingsworth Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Walt Whitman is one of the most innovative and influential American poets of the nineteenth century. Focusing on his masterpiece Leaves of Grass, this book provides a foundation for the study of Whitman as... czytaj dalej

Reading Nation in the Romantic Period
St Clair Wydawnictwo: brak danych

During the four centuries when printed paper was the only means by which texts could be carried across time and distance, everyone engaged in politics, education, religion, and literature believed that reading... czytaj dalej

Portrait of an Unknown Woman
Bennett Venora Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Portrait of an Unknown Woman is historical fiction at its best, rich in detail and observation that dares to choose as its setting the household of More. It is a novel that unfolds from an oblique angle, revealing... czytaj dalej

Lowell Elizabeth Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

When an exquisitely crafted, authentic imperial Faberge egg mysteriously shows up at Laurel Swann's home studio, she knows it can only be from one person?her father, who has drifted in and out of her life for... czytaj dalej

Blowing it
Astley Judy Wydawnictwo: inne

Sorrel is about to go off on her Gap Year. She sooo wants a home to come home to. Ilex, her brother, is trying to upgrade his flat and marry his smart girlfriend Manda. He'd like some immediate equity. Clover... czytaj dalej

Never go back
Goddard Robert Wydawnictwo: inne

In the spellbinding new mystery by the master of ?the clever twist,? a group of ex-RAF comrades journey to a Scottish castle for a reunion. But by the time they reach their destination, two of them are dead... czytaj dalej

Tartan tragedy
Fraser Antonia Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Utmost quiet required for TV personality' said the advertisement that TV reporter Jemima Shaw's secretary placed in The Times. However, a cryptic letter from Charles Beauregard, the owner of her holiday cottage... czytaj dalej

Renaissance Literature & Culture
L. Hopkins Wydawnictwo: inne

Provides students with an introduction to literature and its context from 1533-1642, including: the historical, cultural and intellectual background including religion, politics, exploration and visual culture;... czytaj dalej

D. Farland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Reeling from the battle at Carris, the young king Gaborn Val Orden finds that he has lost the powers that let him protect his people. As he struggles to rid his land of reavers, he discovers that the creatures... czytaj dalej