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Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright looks at the role of God and religion in light of the current world situation in her new book, "The Mighty and the Almighty."She examines Islamic fundamentalism... czytaj dalej
The death of a gangster draws super-spy Paul Chavasse into a breathtaking new adventure on the high seas in the latest paperback from one of the true masters of modern thriller writing, the bestselling author... czytaj dalej
Sheehan, a Florida trial lawyer, serves up a story of miscarried justice and loyalty in his debut novel. A corrupt small-town Florida police department arrests Rudy Kelly, a "slow" 19-year-old, for... czytaj dalej
Hills trafiło na trudne czasy. Narkotyki i pieniądze opanowały całe miasto.... czytaj dalej
All big-hearted Katie Mehan has ever asked from life is health and happines for her family and the love of her stevedore husband, Pat. But times just seem to get harder, and as work at the docks gets scarce... czytaj dalej
Zbiór najpiękniejszych myśli na temat miłości, przyjaźni i wiary, a także o Janie Pawle II.... czytaj dalej
W jednej z rodzin mieszkających na wzgórzu pokrytym luksusowymi rezydencjami rozegrała się tragedia. W niejasnych okolicznościach utopiła się w jeziorze osiemnastoletnia Lisa - starsza córka znanej aktorki... czytaj dalej
Athene Forster embraced the Sixties like few others. Nicknamed the Last Deb, she is spoilt, beautiful, and out of control. And within two years of her marriage, the rumors have begun again. Thirty-five years... czytaj dalej
The first novel in an exciting crime trilogy starring Russian-Jewish cop Artie Cohen (#8220;the detective every women would like to find in her bed.#8221; #8212;Guardian)Reggie Nadelson#8217;s new Artie Cohen... czytaj dalej