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Volume twenty one of Advances in Library Administration and Organization offers timely articles from scholars and administrators working throughout the world. It adapts theory to practice in a variety of areas... czytaj dalej
Silly Penelope Nuthatch receives a letter from her friend Luther Crow promising an unforgettable surprise outing. She assumes Luther is taking her to see the "unforgettable" Swan Lake. She gets her... czytaj dalej
Written with candour and humour, the "Sunscreen" series offers teens advice on the topics that interest them most in a compact, highly illustrated paperback that fits conveniently in a handback or... czytaj dalej
One can't help but see this as a response to Suzannah Lessard's The Architect of Desire. Lessard wrote of her great-grandfather's presence as being 'something dark right there in the light.' But after reading... czytaj dalej
Describes conditions under social and Political systems which were completely different fron those in the USA, Canada and other western countries. These are systems which no longer exist in Eastern Europe but... czytaj dalej
W roli głównej Ferdynand Waniek. Antologia sztuk czeskich dysydentów, Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, Wrocław 2008, ss. 376. Zawiera następujące dramaty: Audiencja, Wernisaż i Protest Vaclava Havla, Atest, Degrengoladę... czytaj dalej
Autor poszukuje większej ilości środków ekspresji, na płaszczyźnie literackiej w liryce i dramacie, na płaszczyźnie pozaliterackiej w malarstwie.... czytaj dalej
Marsha Reed was just another aspiring young actress trying to make it in Dublin. But now she's found fame for all the wrong reasons - as victim of a brutal murder, her body left tied to her bed.... czytaj dalej
Historie opowiedziane w tej książce zazwyczaj przydażają się jakby zupełnie przypadkowo. Niektóre z nich brzmią nieco dziwnie, ponieważ w trochę innym świetle przedstawiają rzeczywistość, którą tak dobrze znamy... czytaj dalej
The second edition of this best-selling guide demystifies Shakespeares plays and brings critical ideas within a beginners grasp. The text provides a thorough general introduction to the plays, based on the... czytaj dalej