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Gutenberg and the Impact of Printing
S. Fussel Wydawnictwo: inne

From typefounding through typesetting to the printing process itself, this narrative offers a fresh look at the unprecedented success story of the spread of the 'black art' right across Europe in a mere 40... czytaj dalej

Anahita's Woven Riddle
M. Sayre Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Growing up as part of a Muslim nomadic tribe in Iran one hundred years ago, Anahita has always been headstrong and independent. When her parents try to make a marriage match between her and her tribe's khan... czytaj dalej

Musial From Stash to Stan the Man
J. Giglio Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Musial: From Stash to Stan the Man is the most comprehensive assessment of baseball legend Stan Musial's life and career to date. Musial, better known as Stan the Man, was born in 1920 to a Polish immigrant... czytaj dalej

Philosophy of Modern Literaty Theory
P. Zima Wydawnictwo: inne

The Philosophy of Modern Literary Theory presents a short introduction to the problems, theories and concepts of literary criticism, from Anglo-American New Criticism to Deconstruction and Postmodernism. The... czytaj dalej

Conrad in France
J. Paccaud-Huguet Wydawnictwo: inne

Focuses on the relationship between British novelist Joseph Conrad's work and French culture and criticism. This book presents readings of Conrad's major texts by critics such as Andre Gide, Andre Maurois,... czytaj dalej

Tell No Lies
Compton Julie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

If Julie Compton played soccer and this was her debut, then she'd have walked of with the match ball after her hat-trick. The pace was a decent and sustained simmer until the final third of the book, when it... czytaj dalej

The Last Concubine
Downer Lesley Wydawnictwo: inne

Lesley Downer clearly has an expert and intimate knowledge of Japan and her vivid, evocative novel is likely to appeal equally to those who know something of the country and those who have never been. Sachi's... czytaj dalej

Jungstedt Mari Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Another excellent author in the vibrant Swedish crime-fiction scene, Mari Jungstedt has written an involving and suspenseful novel based on the island of Gotland, near Stockholm. UNSEEN opens with a description... czytaj dalej

Dead Pool
Walker Sue Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Kirstin Rutherford's return to Edinburgh after two years away is tinged with sadness because five months ago her beloved father-in-law. Jamie, drowned in a deep pool in the Water of Leith. And no one is sure... czytaj dalej

Sterling A Brown's A Negro Looks at the South
J. Tidwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Using oral history and the printed word, Sterling A. Brown set out during the Second World War to capture the response of African Americans, primarily living in the South, to America's involvement in the war... czytaj dalej