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Scholastic Kid's Almanac Revised
Georgian Bay Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Featuring a new design with updated 3D graphics and section openers, this is a reference no school-aged child should be without. More than 50 topics come to life -- from Aerospace to the Zodiac. Fascinating... czytaj dalej

Speedy Facts Hurricanes Have Eyes But Can't See
M. Berqer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Did you know that hailstorms can have stones as big as grapefruits? Or that the record life of a tornado is nine hours? This book is like having Al Roker as your teacher.... czytaj dalej

Go Tell on Mountain
J. Baldwin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

James Baldwin's stunning first novel is now an  American classic. With startling realism that brings  Harlem and the black experience vividly to life,  this is a work that touches the heart with emotion  while... czytaj dalej

Freckle Juice
J. Blume Wydawnictwo: brak danych

More than anything in the world, Andrew wants freckles. His classmate Nicky has freckles -- they cover his face, his ears, and the whole back of his neck. (Once sitting behind him in class, Andrew counted eighty-six... czytaj dalej

Ovid's Lovers
V. Rimell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Central to Ovid's elegiac texts and his Metamorphoses is his pre-occupation with how desiring subjects interact and seduce each other. This major study, which shifts the focus in Ovidian criticism from intertextuality... czytaj dalej

Frederick Douglass Fights For Freedom
M. Davidson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Born a slave, Frederick Douglass went on to become one of the most famous freedom fighters of all time. By the author of I Have a Dream: The Story of Dr. Martin Luther King. Black-and-white photos.... czytaj dalej

Remnants Mutation
K. Applegate Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Caught in the bowels of their strange new world, Mo' Steel and Billy Weir encounter a lost Remnant, Kubric DiSalvo. But Kubric has been horribly changed. The ship has transformed him, replacing his skin with... czytaj dalej

Usborne Book of Peoples of World Internet-Linked
A. Clayborne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Every second of every day, the six billion people who live on earth are busy - working, laughing and talking, worshipping, cooking, eating, watching films, building homes, and just living their lives. This... czytaj dalej

Stories of Giants
G. Harvey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This series of books combine good stories with easy reading text for children aged five to six years and over who have just started reading alone. The series has been developed with Alison Kelly who is an expert in early reading.... czytaj dalej

Gossip Girl 8 Nothing Can Keep Us Together
C. Ziegesar Wydawnictwo: inne

Welcome back to New York City?s glamorous Upper East Side, where the uptown girls get everything -- and everyone -- they want. Nabbing the latest Marc Jacobs bag or your best friend?s boyfriend isn?t always... czytaj dalej