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More Pies!
R. Munsch Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Here's another winning humorous tale from Robert Munsch! Even after eating a large breakfast, little Samuel is still hungry - so he enters a pie-eating contest in the park. His competition? Three big men! The... czytaj dalej

Tiger Woods an American Master
Nicolas Edwards Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In a few short years, Tiger Woods has become one of the best-known sports figures in the world, and a legend to folks of all ages-especially kids. He's set new records and become the youngest player ever to... czytaj dalej

Just Wacky
Griffiths Wydawnictwo: brak danych

From the author of classics Just Annoying!, Just Disgusting!, and Just Crazy! comes another riveting tale of stupidity and hilarity about the boy who strives to become the most annoying kid in the world. If... czytaj dalej

Bionicle Adventures #6 Maze of Shadows
Farshtey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Toa Metru must overcome danger on their journey that they could never anticipate. What unforeseen savages will they meet on their path to the fallen City of Legends as the try to rescue the Matoran from... czytaj dalej

Batman Begins the Junior Novel
Lerangis Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The origin of Gotham City's most mysterious crime fighter is finally revealed! This novelization of the action-packed motion picture, Batman Begins, takes Batman fans back to the beginning and captures every... czytaj dalej

J. Burke Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This exciting series of emergent-reader nonfiction is thoroughly reviewed and approved by a distinguished reading advisory board. Full-color photographs, predictable text patterns, and concepts of high interest... czytaj dalej

Mayor Of Lexington Avenue
Sheehan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Murder, corruption, justice????.time is running out for Rudy Kelly. In a small Florida town near Lake Okeechobee, an innocent young man's fate hangs in the balance. Rudy Kelly, bi-racial and borderline retarded... czytaj dalej

Three Bags Full
Swann Wydawnictwo: inne

Schafe, und wie sie die Welt sehen: 'Glennkill' ist warmherzig und witzig, spannend und ironisch, tiefsinnig und voller Überraschungen!Eines Morgens liegt der Schäfer George Glenn leblos im irischen Gras, ein... czytaj dalej

Reason For A Flower
R. Heller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With stunning illustrations, Ruth Heller explains the different parts of a flower, pollination, and growth, using a rhyming text. "One rarely finds such richness in a book at the low cost of Heller's extravagantly... czytaj dalej

Pedro's Journal
P. Conrad Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Written by an award-winning author as though it were a true diary, this fascinating book brings to life the story of Christopher Columbus's journey as seen through the eyes of a young boy. "A good classroom... czytaj dalej