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exchange "I do" with her much older groom Lord "Pompous" Ardelve Calum Tolmic (see LADY'S CHOICE). However, after her rescue she recovers from her captivity. She marries the kindhearted... czytaj dalej
Wybór wierszy napisanych w latach 1989-2003.... czytaj dalej
Wspaniały obraz Anglii w czasie Wojny Róż. Opowieść przygodowa i wyborna historia miłosna.... czytaj dalej
London in the 1950s: gamblers, gangsters and corrupt politicians are living the high life of greed and excess, claiming Mayfair and the East End for themselves. Iris isn`t exactly a call girl - she never takes... czytaj dalej
Zbiór wierszy nadsyłanych do redakcji "Poczty Literackiej" w latach 1973-2001.... czytaj dalej
New York attorney Jennifer March is haunted by the mysterious and savage slaughter of her family on the same night that her father disappeared, never to be seen alive again. Two years on, his corpse is discovered... czytaj dalej
Downtrodden Detective Erlendur and his team must once again investigate Reykjavik#8217;s hidden past to unravel a case of human nastiness.Construction work in an expanding Reykjavik uncovers a shallow grave... czytaj dalej
Experience the true spirit of Christmas with this rich celebration of the Christmas story. With words from the "King James Bible", the nativity story is brought gloriously to life with illuminated... czytaj dalej
A very, very boastful kangaroo brags that it can jump higher than anyone, but the contest is won by a tiny kangaroo--showing children that any problem can be overcome if they put their minds to it. Full-color illustrations. ... czytaj dalej
Two sets of related issues prompt this study: the birth of the New World in European consciousness and the rise of the Cervantine novel in Spain. The first full-length study to move beyond an inventory of Cervantes's... czytaj dalej