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Patterson Richard North Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

A San Francisco lawyer takes on his biggest case yet - the televised trial of a woman he has loved 'Exile is an astonishing book, a hugely entertaining human drama that also offers remarkable insight into the... czytaj dalej

English Literature & Ancient Languages
K. Haynes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a study of the presence of Greek and Latin in British literature since the Renaissance. While the influence of Greek and Roman literature on British literature has been extensively surveyed, the role... czytaj dalej

Via Vienna
Mile Stojić Wydawnictwo: inne

Mile Stojić wybitny chorwacki poeta, autor ponad 10 książek, laureat wielu znaczących nagród literackich jugosłowiańskich i austriackiej nagrody państwowej Buchpremie za najlepszą książkę w 2000 roku oraz nagrody... czytaj dalej

Sir Cloudesley Shovell Stuart Admiral
Simon Harris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sir Cloudesley Shovell was the Royal Navy's most active combat commander of the Marlborough era and his experiences included every type of naval and amphibious operation of the 17th and early 18th centuries. ... czytaj dalej

Winterson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

'To avoid discovery I stay on the run. To discover things for myself, I stay on the run'. The PowerBook is twenty-first century fiction that uses past, present and future as shifting dimensions of a multiple... czytaj dalej

Property of Blood
M. Nabb Wydawnictwo: inne

Olivia, an American-born model, married Count Ugo Brunamonti, a feckless, soon impoverished aristocrat. After his death, she supported her children by starting a fashion house which has prospered. When she... czytaj dalej

Travelling with Djinns
J. Mahjoub Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Yasin is driving through Europe in a dilapidated Peugeot 504 with his seven-year-old son Leo. He's not sure where they're going. He just knows he's thirty-seven years old, his wife is about to divorce him and... czytaj dalej

Kennedy Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In the world of hip-hop Lamont Jackson is a major player. He's CEO of Triple Large Entertainment and he's won his considerable reputation by signing some of the most successful and controversial young rappers... czytaj dalej

Leap Into Darkness Seven Years on the Run in Wartime
L. Bretholz Wydawnictwo: inne

A harrowing, action-packed account of the author's series of audacious escapes from the Nazis' Final Solution#8212;"riveting...a fascinating and moving piece of history" (Library Journal).Young Leo... czytaj dalej

I'm Nobody! Who Are You?
Dickinson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Introduce your young poet to one of the greatest American poets with this wonderful collection. Over 100 poems highlight the imagery and lyricism of Dickinson’s verse, from famous favorites like “Hope is the... czytaj dalej