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Traditional action rhymes, such as "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "Where Is Thumbkin?" are illustrated and described, encouraging participation by young readers to act out their favorite... czytaj dalej
Readers will meet thirteen ghosts, werewolves, skeletons, and other creepy characters in this spine-tingling collection of scary stories. In these tales, no place is safe - a ghost could appear in a crowded... czytaj dalej
The fascinating world of the Romans is described in detail, from the founding of the city of Rome to the decline of the Empire, with the help of colourful reconstructions, maps and diagrams. Deals with all... czytaj dalej
Liz the Whiz and her younger brother use codes, a chart, and a map of the backyard that matches a clock face to solve Zack's mystery. Includes a section with related activities.... czytaj dalej
Every second of every day, the six billion people who live on earth are busy - working, laughing and talking, worshipping, cooking, eating, watching films, building homes, and just living their lives. This... czytaj dalej
Full of adventure, the eight tales in this volume recount the most exciting exploits of Robin Hood and his pack of fearless followers.... czytaj dalej
The first in the new 'Discovery Britain' series, this book describes one of the most absorbing and dramatic periods in British history. Illustrated with paintings, maps, cutaways and photographs; this book... czytaj dalej
This compilation explores the famous and lesser-known crimes of the 20th century. Find out what real criminals and detectives are like, how crimes are committed and solved, and the thought processes of brilliant... czytaj dalej
Thomas Pfau reinterprets the evolution of British and German Romanticism as a progress through three successive dominant moods each manifested in the "voice" of historical moment. Drawing on a multifaceted... czytaj dalej
This book provides an extraordinary new perspective on the lives of Jewish children who survived the Holocaust in Poland and remained there after the war. These testimonies, submitted by individual authors... czytaj dalej