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English Spelling
V. Parker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Anyone who has had difficulty with spelling will find this lively guide invaluable. Good spellers will learn how to avoid the less obvious mistakes. Readers learning English as a second language will find it... czytaj dalej

Fantastical Adventures of the Invisible Boy
L. Alexander Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When David falls ill his tough old Aunt Annie offers to tutor him, and he soon grows fond of The Gawgon, as he nicknames her because of her resemblance to the terrifying Gorgon Medusa of Greek myth. Together... czytaj dalej

Totally Lucy #02 Fantasy Fashion
K. McKain Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A fun and funky series charting the hopes, dreams and schemes of the lively, loveable Lucy - wannabe fashion designer and Stand Up Babe. Girls everywhere will identify with her bra-size embarrassment, parent... czytaj dalej

Bread for Departed
Wojdowski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bogdan Wojdowski's novel Bread for the Departed details the experience of the Jewish community in Warsaw between 1940 and 1942; the final chapters take place during the mass deportation of Warsaw's Jewish community... czytaj dalej

When Giants Come to Play
Beaty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this terrific, lyrical text from a talented newcomer, a little girl named Anna has unusual playmates; a family of giants who visit only on certain days. "When the sun shines just so and the wind blows... czytaj dalej

Pirate Chase
R. Kidd Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Before the Black Pearl, there was a teenage stowaway named Jack Sparrow... Jack and company are hot on the trail of the notorious pirate Left Foot Louis, who they believe is currently in possession of the Sword... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of World Literature in 20th Century v 3:L-R
S. Serafin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century" is widely acclaimed for its in-depth information on the major aspects of literature in the 20th century. Now published by St. James Press, this... czytaj dalej

Prophets & Dreamers A Selection of Great
M. Weinstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fewer than one percent of all books written and published in Yiddish have been translated into English. Those that have give us a window into a culture that celebrates the full range of the human condition... czytaj dalej

Setting Up a New Library & Information Service
K. Porter Wydawnictwo: inne

This book is intended as a guide for those people who have been charged with establishing a library or information service in their organisation. It is a practical guide to the steps that need to be taken,... czytaj dalej

W roli głównej Ferdynand Waniek
Havel Vaclav, Kohout Pavel, Dienstbier Jiri i inni Wydawnictwo: inne

W roli głównej Ferdynand Waniek. Antologia sztuk czeskich dysydentów, Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, Wrocław 2008, ss. 376. Zawiera następujące dramaty: Audiencja, Wernisaż i Protest Vaclava Havla, Atest, Degrengoladę... czytaj dalej