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The fascinating history of Mexico that began in the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Aztec continues . . . .Don Juan de Zavala was the most skilled fighter in all of New Spain?as gifted with weapons and... czytaj dalej
Postmodernist reactions against Modernism have tended to equate it with fascism, totalitarianism and a reactionary cultural elite. This bold and unusual guide approaches the issue from a new angle, considering... czytaj dalej
Historie opowiedziane w tej książce zazwyczaj przydażają się jakby zupełnie przypadkowo. Niektóre z nich brzmią nieco dziwnie, ponieważ w trochę innym świetle przedstawiają rzeczywistość, którą tak dobrze znamy... czytaj dalej
Horace is a central author in Latin literature. His work spans a wide range of genres, from iambus to satire, and odes to literary epistle, and he is just as much at home writing about love and wine as he is... czytaj dalej
Brilliantly observed as always, family, teachers, pupils and the dreaded school inspector all leap to life in this wonderfully warm and witty, brand new, audio poetry collection from bestseller Gervase Phinn... czytaj dalej
On publication, Arundhati Roy's first novel "The God of Small Things" (1997) rapidly became an international bestseller, winning the Booker Prize and creating a new space for Indian literature and... czytaj dalej
Much of his work has vanished, but Mas'udi's matchless The Meadows of Gold has almost miraculously survived: a compendium of stories and information on what he knew of the worlds of the Middle East, the Far... czytaj dalej
In F. Paul Wilson's 8th Repairman Jack novel, Crisscross, Jack is back in New York and working on two unrelated fix-its. The first involves a nun being blackmailed by someone who has photos of her that she... czytaj dalej
small community force a Belgian expat housewife to re-evaluate her life. Raised by nuns in a secluded mission hospital, Sarie Turner is lonely and isolated from everyone around her, contemptuous of her social-climbing... czytaj dalej
This is a study of the presence of Greek and Latin in British literature since the Renaissance. While the influence of Greek and Roman literature on British literature has been extensively surveyed, the role... czytaj dalej