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And Now You Can Go
V. Vida Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A gun is pointed at 21-year-old Ellis as she walks through a New York park. Although she escapes unharmed she is left psychologically reeling. Over the next few weeks Ellis keeps everyone at bay: the police... czytaj dalej

Sword & the Scimitar
D. Ball Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Nico and Maria, Maltese brother and sister, are separated when young Nico is abducted by Moorish slavers. Taken to Algiers to be the personal slave of a wealthy merchant, he becomes a pawn in household politics... czytaj dalej

Various Haunts of Men
S. Hill Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Susan Hill, a master of characterization and storytelling, writes with compassion, humour and a unique understanding of the details of daily life in this utterly absorbing crime novel #8212; the first in a... czytaj dalej

When the Nines Roll Over
D. Benioff Wydawnictwo: inne

Over the course of eight tales, this work introduces us to a record company exec searching for a rock star, an inexperienced Russian soldier trapped between his murderous colleagues and a clever old woman,... czytaj dalej

Redemption of Althalus
L. Eddings Wydawnictwo: inne

Mythmakers and world builders of the first order, the Eddingses spin tales that make imaginations soar. Readers have thrilled to The Belgariad and The Malloreon, magic-filled masterworks chronicling the timeless... czytaj dalej

H. Yglesias Wydawnictwo: inne

The youngest of four sisters, a noted New York writer and critic, eighty-year-old Jenny has flown to Miami Beach to help her flamboyant sister Flora (the Sandra Bernhardt of the senior set) deal with their... czytaj dalej

Dinotopia #16 Oasis
Hapka Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jack and Ty are opposites. So when they travel together in a caravan across the Great Desert, there are bound to be disagreements. And when a sandstorm separates the boys from the rest of their group, the arguments... czytaj dalej

My Painted House My Friendly & Me
M. Courtney-Clarke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Full color photographs. 'Hello, Stranger-Friend' begins Maya Angelou's story about Thandi, a South African Ndebele girl, her mischievous brother, her beloved chicken, and the astonishing mural art produced... czytaj dalej

Brand New Kid
Couric Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ellie McSnelly and Carrie O'Toole were running and laughing-their first day of school was today! And they wondered just what was in store.Would this be a good year?Would school be a bore?Everyone remembers... czytaj dalej

Mozart Season
Virginia Wolff Euwer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When 12-year-old Allegra learns that she will spend her summer studying Mozart's Fourth Violin Concerto in preparation for a young musician's competition, she knows she must make sacrifices. Is this what she... czytaj dalej