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Chicken Sunday
Patricia Polacco Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A young white girl and her two black "brothers" devise a plan to raise money to buy the boys' grandmother an Easter bonnet. "In strident and divisive times, here is a quiet, confident voice of hope."-Booklist.... czytaj dalej

Steal Away
J. Armstrong Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Two girls-one African-American, one white-escape north together during the Civil War. "A distinctive tale of courage and sacrifice."-Kirkus.... czytaj dalej

Scientists from Archimedes to Einstein
Struan Reid,Patricia Fara Wydawnictwo: brak danych

From planets to penicillin, from the West to the East, students can explore the fascinating world of science in this highly informative and well-illustrated book. They will meet the scientists, men and women... czytaj dalej

Babushka's Doll
P. Polacco Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Here's a gentle cautionary tale from a noted children's book author-illustrator. Natasha insists on having her grandmother entertain her every minute, until a doll her grandmother gives her comes to life and... czytaj dalej

English Spelling
V. Parker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Anyone who has had difficulty with spelling will find this lively guide invaluable. Good spellers will learn how to avoid the less obvious mistakes. Readers learning English as a second language will find it... czytaj dalej

Fantastical Adventures of the Invisible Boy
L. Alexander Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When David falls ill his tough old Aunt Annie offers to tutor him, and he soon grows fond of The Gawgon, as he nicknames her because of her resemblance to the terrifying Gorgon Medusa of Greek myth. Together... czytaj dalej

Totally Lucy #02 Fantasy Fashion
K. McKain Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A fun and funky series charting the hopes, dreams and schemes of the lively, loveable Lucy - wannabe fashion designer and Stand Up Babe. Girls everywhere will identify with her bra-size embarrassment, parent... czytaj dalej

Chasing American Dream Polish Americans in Sports
T. Tarapacki Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Chasing the American Dream provides an in-depth examination of the Polish American experience with sports: its impact upon their lives, the unprecedented economic and social opportunities it created, the enormous... czytaj dalej

Dragons Revealed
M. Forbeck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Prophecy of the Dragons" and "The Dragons Revealed" continue this series of adventures written specifically for readers ages 8 -- 12. This exciting line follows the adventures of three... czytaj dalej

Stripper Lesson
John O'Brien Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Carroll Mine, a lonely man who has difficulty relating to people, hangs out at Indiscretions, a strip club in Southern California, in hopes of making some kind of connection. ... czytaj dalej