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Judas Heart
Black Ingrid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Marsha Reed was just another aspiring young actress trying to make it in Dublin. But now she's found fame for all the wrong reasons - as victim of a brutal murder, her body left tied to her bed.... czytaj dalej

John Donne in the Nineteenth Century
D. Haskin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1906, having been assigned Izaak Walton's Life of Donne to read for his English class, a Harvard freshman heard a lecture on the long disparaged 'metaphysical' poets. Years later, when an appreciation of... czytaj dalej

Across the Face of the World
R. Kirkpatrick Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For 2000 years Kannwar, the immortal Destroyer, Lord of Bhrudwo, has been planning revenge on those who cast him out from the mortal world. His plans are now nearing fruition and will allow nothing to stand... czytaj dalej

Cambridge Companion to Horace
S. Harrison Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Horace is a central author in Latin literature. His work spans a wide range of genres, from iambus to satire, and odes to literary epistle, and he is just as much at home writing about love and wine as he is... czytaj dalej

T. Holland Wydawnictwo: inne

'The Secret History of Lord Byron' - a chilling and utterly compelling gothic fantasy... czytaj dalej

The Diviners
Moody Rick Wydawnictwo: inne

In his first novel in seven years, Rick Moody gives us a generous, hilarious, and brilliant look at contemporary America, from coast to coast. In the month after Election Day 2000, scores of movie-business... czytaj dalej

From the Meadows of Gold
Masoudi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Much of his work has vanished, but Mas'udi's matchless The Meadows of Gold has almost miraculously survived: a compendium of stories and information on what he knew of the worlds of the Middle East, the Far... czytaj dalej

Wilson Paul F. Wydawnictwo: inne

In F. Paul Wilson's 8th Repairman Jack novel, Crisscross, Jack is back in New York and working on two unrelated fix-its. The first involves a nun being blackmailed by someone who has photos of her that she... czytaj dalej

Ten Days in the Hills
Smiley Jane Wydawnictwo: inne

Pulitzer-winning novelist Jane Smiley's latest book, Ten Days in the Hills, is a satirical portrait of an Oscar-winning director, his political-activist lover, his ex-wife and her lover. The book explores the... czytaj dalej

The Moment you were gone
Gerrard Nicci Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gaby and Nancy were inseperable when they were young. As teenagers they had no secrets and as adults they could conceive of none. Even when they found love - Gaby with Connor, and Nancy with Gaby's brother... czytaj dalej