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The first young adult novel from legendary New York Times-bestselling author Jack Higgins. For thirty years, Jack Higgins has enraptured adult readers with his thrilling tales of spies and intrigue. Now, for... czytaj dalej
Spectator'Her life, and her murder, were so much like one of the stories she would have told herself' Viv Groskop, Observer`by turns depressing and illuminating'... czytaj dalej
Wolfgang Capito (1478-1541) was one of the most important figures of the Reformation, a leading churchman who turned from Catholic to Protestant. A professor of theology and advisor to the Archbishop of Mainz... czytaj dalej
'The profoundly original Ludwig von Mises made pioneering contributions to our understanding of the modern economy in a number of areas: the problem of economic calculation under socialism, the dynamics of... czytaj dalej
Książeczka dla dzieci. Kaseta z piosenkami po angielsku gratis.... czytaj dalej
Druga część zbioru myśli, aforyzmów, przysłów i dowcipów.... czytaj dalej
Siedemnastoletni Alex Jackson jest bardzo podekscytowany, gdy ojciec, kamerzysta z Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, zaproponował synowi, by towarzyszył mu podczas podróży służbowej do Chin. Potraktował tę... czytaj dalej
French Leave, tie-in to the major TV series directed by Pat Llewellyn, who discovered Jamie Oliver and the Two Fat Ladies, follows two-star Michelin chef John Burton Race, his wife, six children and Labrador... czytaj dalej
Are you feeling uninspired? Are you lacking in self-esteem and confidence? Could you get more out of your work, family and relationships? Do you want to improve your life? Ellie Hart does. She's busy at work... czytaj dalej
Michael Kerrigan, Scotsman#8216;A dizzyingly complicated, dazzlingly allusive, breathlessly exciting novel of adventure and detection#8217; New Yorker'Even a reader armed with a Latin dictionary and a copy... czytaj dalej