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Seeking Whom he may Devour
F. Vargas Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Each day, inhabitants of a small community in the French Alps find another of their ewes with its throat cut. When one of the villagers too is killed people begin to wonder: could it be the work of a werewolf... czytaj dalej

Garden of Happiness
Tamar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A littered lot in New York's Alphabet City is transformed into a lush garden by people of the neighborhood. Young Marisol finds a small patch of her own, where she plants a large, flat seed. As it grows up... czytaj dalej

Bruce Coville's UFOs
B. Coville Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Popular for his middle-grade anthologies featuring ghosts, monsters, and other frightening topics, Coville turns his attention to UFOs in a phenomenal new collection of more than 12 entires by master story... czytaj dalej

Spooky Rhymes & Riddles
Lillian Moore Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Children will entertain each other with these simple rhymes and riddles, if they don't scare themselves first!... czytaj dalej

Escape North the Story of Harriet Tubman
Monica Kulling Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An easy-to-read, page-turning account of Harriet Tubman's life-from a childhood in slavery to the years as a conductor on the Underground Railroad to her later work as a suffragette and as a spy in the Civil... czytaj dalej

Day My Butt Went Psycho
Griffiths Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Your child will be cracking up as he joins Zack Freeman as he crosses the Great Windy Desert, navigates the Brown Forest, and goes over the Sea of Butts on a journey to reclaim his runaway butt. Along the way... czytaj dalej

Goosebumps Horror At Camp Jellyjam
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Camp Jellyjam is no ordinary sports camp and Wendy's about to find out why. ... czytaj dalej

Shrek 2 Ogre Hunter
J. Halfman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bring the world of Shrek alive with Scholastic's Shrek 2 color/activity books. The kind of fun even an ogre would love.Includes a Shrek Mix-N-Match and cut-out bookmarks in the back!... czytaj dalej

Drop of Water
Walter Wick Wydawnictwo: brak danych

While admiring amazing photographs capturing such moments as the "crown" created by a water drop splashing in a pool, or a "wild wave" caused by an egg dropped in a water glass, readers... czytaj dalej

Madeline in America
L. Bemelmans Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ludwig Bemelmans' grandson discovered, completed, and published this untold Madeline story along with two sweet holiday tales about a desperately poor cobbler and music teacher who find holiday happiness. Your... czytaj dalej